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murdocs eyes widened with realisation.

fuck, it really was 2d.

he's so much prettier up close. gorgeous even.

he had these light freckles that lay perfectly along his dewy skin. his azure strands of hair rested beautifully on his neck. and those eyes. those midnight eyes.

satan, he's euphoric.

once murdoc had snapped out of his longing gaze it suddenly came to him that this was the perfect opportunity to talk to 2d.

it was now or never.

he didn't even know what he wanted from him.

a quick fuck in the toilets. or maybe just somebody to take the loneliness away. either one was good for murdoc.

"what's a pretty little thing like you drinkin' alone?".

you could tell the compliment had worked successfully because 2d began to giggle like a schoolgirl.

"I could ask you the same thing" he replied over the music.

"i'm not drinkin' alone, i'm just waitin' for the right company" murdoc smirked.

this all felt too weird. normally when he's
being this charming he's thinking with his dick, trying to strike his luck with a barmaid down at the pub.

"is that so. mind if i join you?" 2d flirtatiously batted his eyelashes.

so far so good.

"not at all".

just at that moment the bartender set down an eyesore of a drink. it was neon orange. looked like it was radioactive.

"there you are dee, this ones a peach crush ".

"looks like a glass full of piss" murdoc couldn't help himself from being crude.

the comment earned another laugh from 2d but a dirty look from the guy behind the bar.

"thanks toby" the bluenette flashed him a smile before he went back to attending the bar.

'toby' is now on murdocs mental hitlist.

"i don't believe i've introduced myself"
murdoc spoke, keeping a prying eye on his
new companion. "the names murdoc".

the dancer had to swallow the drink in his mouth before responding.

" 's nice to meet you murdoc. i'm st-..2d" he corrected himself sheepishly, hoping murdoc didn't catch on to his mistake.

"2d? surely that's not your real name" the satanist attempted to lure him into revealing his identity.

2d gave him a gappy grin "nah that's jus' my stage name. we use them so people don't know who we are".


"oh, I see. well, is there a possibility that i'll come to find out who you are?".

"hmm maybe...if you play your cards right" 2d giggled cheekily as he twirled his finger around his straw.

murdoc chuckled through his nose at his playful comment.

the pair stood in a comfortable silence, admiring each other's presence.

until they were interrupted.

" dee, we have a wardrobe malfunction backstage and those slender hands of yours may be the only solution" informed another dancer.

"o-oh alrite. uh sorry murdoc, i'm gonna have to go" 2d apologised. "but make sure to stick around! i won't be too long..i hope".

"same here" murdoc muttered to himself with a hint of disappointment.

2d gave one last apologetic smile before disappearing through the crowd.

might as well go and have a quick cig.

murdoc drank the remainder of his drink
and also finished the bluenettes piss-looking cocktail before heading out of the club.

the cold air hit his face as soon as he left the exit.

he pulled out his cigarette box and took one out, lighting it moments after and taking it to his lips.

he hadn't even taken a proper drag yet when
he recognised the polished black sports car that pulled up to the club.

murdocs mind filled with dread when it finally clicked in his head who was behind the wheel.

"fellas look, it's old mudzy!" ace was heard from the car.

fucking brilliant.

murdoc watched as a bunch of cartoonish looking bellends piled out of the car, including ace.

he looks like a right twat wearing those blacked out shades.

why does he still bother with him?

"so you decided to come after all, eh" ace approached him.

"hm" murdoc blankly replied.

"ah sweet! tonight's gonna be a hoot, i'm tellin' ya".

the slimy man took off his sunglasses and folded them. it was then that murdoc noticed the clouded look behind his red tinted eyes.

he was high.

maybe if he still had any drugs left, spending time with him wouldn't be so bad.

"i very much doubt that for some reason" murdoc spoke through his gritted his teeth.

"aw c'mon don't be like that. this ones gonna be a night to remember, ain't that right boys".

aces brainless goons all agreed in the background.

"well for me the best nights are the ones you can't remember" murdoc inhaled his cig smoke.

"well old pal, that's where I can help you. you didn't expect me to come out with no supplies did ya?".

"i never doubted you for a second" murdoc changed his tune. "so what 'ave you got?".

"ehh I got a bit of blow, although you do still owe me from that last time" ace reminded him.

"yea yea, I haven't forgot" murdoc brushed it off, crushing the cigarette butt under his boot. "come on then, what are you lot waitin' for?".

"yeah, c'mon fellas" ace began to lead his sheep inside.

this better be worth it.

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