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this is like deja vu.

standing outside of andromeda's doors once again.

murdoc had already checked on the car. luckily it was untouched, not that anyone would want the broken down piece of scrap anyway.

the club's doors were closed but they weren't locked. according to murdoc that was still an invitation to go inside.

he entered the place, making his way through to the room he was first in yesterday.

it didn't really seem as if anyone was around apart from the cleaner that was mopping the floors.

murdoc realised that he may have arrived a tad bit too early.

may as well wait in the car for the time being.

just as the poor sod turned around he practically got tackled to the ground.

it was that lard-arse security guard from two nights ago. this guy sure does know how to give a warm welcome.

"oi, get off me you tubby bastard!".

the man began to rough murdoc up "what's yo ass doin' in here? this place ain't open for anotha half hour".

geez another american. murdoc never seems to get along with them.

"i left my car here, now will you bugger off!" murdoc tried to claw loose from his grip.

fortunately, the security guard let go of him. he stood up immediately and began to brush himself off.

"that still don't explain why you're here. this is breaking and entering".

"well i didn't exactly break into a place that was open, you bloody pillock!" he insulted.

"now what's it gonna be, d'yu want me to call the cops or should I handle this myself ?" the oversized man walked towards him, clenching his fists.

murdoc hoped for that to be a rhetorical question because he was seriously considering letting him call the old bill.

before he had a chance to reply somebody approached them.


hail satan, he came just at the right time.

his blue haired beauty.

it seemed as if 2d had just arrived as he
was wearing casual clothing. he still looked gorgeous, even in a jumper and jeans.

"what're you doin here?" he asked with a concerned expression.

"wait, you know this fool?" asked the bouncer.

that's bound to wipe the smug look off his face.

"yea i know him russ, it's okay" 2d assured him.

"guess i'll leave y'all to it" he said, squinting his eyes at murdoc before leaving.

"i didn't quite expect you to be here" 2d said, still in a state of shock.

"well i'm just full of surprises me. oh yeah,
and sorry about last night. i had a uh work emergency" he lied, knowing full well he
was on the dole.

"I was a bit sad when i came back and couldn't find you" 2d confessed. "so wot brings you here?".

"you, actually" murdoc revealed.


"yeah that's right. I wanted to apologise for leaving so soon yesterday".

"awh that's really sweet ov you murdoc" 2d smiled. "yanno, i don't really come across such kind men like yourself, especially doin' the job that I do".

"well what can I say, i'm one of a kind" murdoc gloated.

"y'know, maybe if you stick around I could show my appreciation".

"oh really, and how are you gonna do that?".

"why don't you take a seat in one of them booths down there and i'll show you".

no matter how seductive 2d was he had this innocent charm about him. it made murdoc crave him even more.

"as you wish" .

murdoc couldn't hide the massive grin on his face.

"i won't be long" 2d notified before disappearing.

the old man liked where this was heading..

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