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"already? I need some time to recover" 2d told him.

the older man grunted in disappointment.

2d reached for the cigarettes on his nightstand and passed one over to murdoc.


just as he was about to set his back against the headboard he remembered something.

"shit" 2d cursed.


"I left the lighter in the livingroom" he told murdoc.

he sat up and grabbed his robe from the floor, putting it on seconds after.

"come" he gestured for murdoc to follow him into the other room.

the older man groaned but complied, putting on his briefs and following after 2d.

murdoc headed over to the kitchen, passing
the bluenette in the livingroom as he searched the couch for the lighter.

he helped himself to more drink.

"found it!" 2d held the lighter up victoriously.

he went over to join murdoc at the kitchen table and handed the light over to him.

murdoc held the cig in between his lips and pulled the flame up to the end of it.

once it was lit he noticed 2d glancing down at his own exposed thigh and hip through the slight gap in his robe.

his skin was peppered with slight bruises and scratches from murdoc.

"satan, did I do that? my bad".

"oh, it's fine. it'll probably be an issue at work though" 2d revealed, taking a puff of his smoke.

"shit, how come?".

"well it won't look good if an entertainer is covered in marks like this. i'll have to get one of the girls to cover me up in some makeup" he tiredly smiled.

"how did you get into the 'entertainment' business anyways? i wouldn't have been able to imagine you doing it if I hadn't seen it first hand".

2d ashed his cigarette "well I guess it all started when I was a kid".

murdoc flashed him a very confused yet concerned look.

"I would say I was more creative than smart. always 'ave been. I was really into music and dance an' all that stuff, so my parents, bless 'em, enrolled me into a performing arts
school. this carried on until
I was about 17".

"what happened after that?" murdoc questioned, actually interested in his story.

"well that was around the time when
my parents wanted me to go off to university.
I was never gonna be good at it. I didn't see the point of me goin' anyway. I had loads of little side jobs in the local theatre though and I even worked in a music shop at one point.
I was stable, y'know".

"so what did you do?" murdoc topped up his drink.

"I simply didn't go. I didn't even apply. my parents were really upset wiv me but what could they do? a few years down the line when I was 19 I got introduced to the stripclub scene. I was young and naive".

"still are" murdoc commented.

"it wasn't the greatest environment
to be in I must admit. the first club I ever
worked in, 'opium' it was called, was located in the middle of a bad area. the only reason I worked there was because I was desperate for
the cash. it was 'orrible. this kinda ties
into a different story too".

"what's that?".

"well, one night after a shift at
opium I was pretty much stranded. it
was a late tuesday night and there were
no taxis available at that hour. I had no choice but to walk home. a few minutes after I started my journey, all I remember is a group of men approaching me . they ended up mugging me. took my phone 'nd handbag. attacked me
too. really badly. basically left
me for dead".

murdoc felt his jaw clench at the sentence.

"i rememba wakin' up in a hospital. they said I had 4 broken ribs, a fractured skull and hyphema" 2d revealed.


"yeah, these things" he pointed up at
his eyes. "8-ball fractures they call 'em. but eventhough that happened to me it didn't put
me off workin in stripclubs. i wasn't gonna
let one bad experience ruin it for me. once
I recovered from my injuries I found
myself a new job at andromeda".

"do your folks know what you do for work?".

"yea..well kinda. mum does, dad doesn't. she isn't exactly keen on what I do but she doesn't mind as long as i'm happy and safe".

"well it all worked out in the end didn't it" murdoc took a gulp of his vodka.

"i guess it did" 2d agreed.

he picked up murdoc's glass thinking it was his own and took a swig.

since they've been acquainted, the older man has noticed these little things that 2d does. he's realised that he's not the brightest of bulbs.

despite his flaws he's still somewhat perfect.

"so.." murdoc began to change the subject. "since we've exchanged bodily fluids I feel like it's about time I learned your name".

"well it's only fair" the bluenette softly chuckled. "my name's stuart. stu for short".

"it suits you" murdoc mumbled as if he was scared of nice words leaving his mouth.

"awh thanks!" 2d beamed.

he's so beautiful and he doesn't even know it. that smile is enough to make murdoc's stone heart skip a beat.

what is he doing to him..

Private Dancer - 2docWhere stories live. Discover now