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murdoc found himself in a very familiar position. driving to andromeda. he may have had a few to drink and he most definitely had a few things to get off his chest.

quite a few.

it's been days now since he had spoken to stu
and he's the only thing that's been looming through his mind.

why is that?

the power 2d has over him makes him feel so weak. so inferior. and he fucking hates it.

'maybe this was a bad idea' murdoc thought to himself as he approached the road that the club was on.

he gripped his steering wheel staring at the place briefly before making a right turn in the opposite direction.

good for him.

and anyways why should murdoc be the one to initiate conversation between the two. maybe if the kid stopped being a little prick he would start bothering with him again.

murdoc shook his head at the thought of 2d
and proceeded to park up somewhat near to the curb. he stumbled out of his car and dragged himself to the entrance of the liquor store.

he didn't waste any time going up to the counter and buying a bottle of jack.

murdoc left quicker than he arrived. he was too dissociated to care about anything apart from getting back home.

as he pushed through the door he bumped face first into an unassuming stranger. he heard them thud to the ground but he was more concerned about himself, pinching his nose in pain.

"open your eyes next time you bloody dullard!" he scowled.

it wasn't until he opened his eyes that he realised it was stuart underneath him on the pavement.

he was rubbing his head staring up at him.

"oh for the love of satan, it just had to be you didn't it".

"thanks for helpin' me up" the bluenette spoke sarcastically as he lifted himself up off the ground.

"yeah and thanks for the broken nose. I swear if it really is broken again i'll-".

"whatever" stuart silenced him, making his way past.

"oi, I was talking to you!" murdoc growled.

"i don't wanna hear it murdoc. i've only come
for a packet ov fags. i'm sure you don't want me disturbin' your binge drinkin anyways".

"now that was uncalled for".

"it's the truth! actually, since you're here I
might as well get some things off my chest".

stu let out a sharp breath before speaking.

"you are truly one of the most arrogant, self-centred people i've ever met".

"i've heard worse" murdoc folded his arms as if he was unimpressed.

weirdly, it kinda hurt hearing it from him.

"you really don't care about anythin' do you? you don't care about anythin' or anyone but yourself".

murdoc huffed "stu, what is it that you want? do you want an apology because you're not getting one".

"I don't want nothin' off you murdoc".

"then why are you bothering me!" he raised his voice slightly.

stuart paused "you're right. i'm going".

the bluenette turned on his heel and began to storm off down the street.

in that moment, every bit of pride murdoc had vanished like it was never there.

"stu wait!" he called out after him.

thankfully he stopped and turned around. murdoc couldn't work out the expression behind his black orbs for eyes.

"you didn't buy any" he held out a half empty box of cigarettes for stu to have.

he had an almost confused look on his face as if to say 'is murdoc really giving me his cigs?'.

the bluenette reached for them slowly and took them with caution.

"uh, thanks".

"don't worry about it" murdoc muttered as he flipped up the collar of his jacket. it was getting breezy.

"so..where are you off to now?".

"home, why?" the older man questioned.

stu took time giving him a response "you need some company?".

murdoc was temped to tell him to fuck off. being petty was just in his nature. but how could he do that.

it was stuart for crying out loud.

" 'suppose" he shrugged, keeping his composure.

"c'mon then old man" the bluenette hooked onto his arm as they made their way to the car.

murdoc felt a small smile tug at his lips.

"yanno , you really shouldn't be drivin' after you've drank".

"shuddup" he nudged stu, letting out a small chuckle.

stu giggled too.

it felt nice seeing murdoc happy, eventhough he wouldn't admit that he was.

it felt good being back with him.

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