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murdoc pulled up outside of andromeda. this time he had an actual reason for why he was there.

he had previously agreed to pick 2d up from work.

they were going to head back to murdocs place. if they were planning to fuck casually they may as well switch things up.

he took his phone from his leather jacket and began to dial the bluenettes number.

he got not answer. same for the other 2 times he tried to call.

he decided to just wait until 2d came outside.

it was about 10 minutes later when murdocs phone began to ring.

"sorry mudz, i didn't see your call".

"clearly" the older man replied in a slightly annoyed tone.

"it's jus' that some man is in here and he's
really splashin' his cash, y'know, going all out . I reckon i could earn an extra 200 quid tonite!" 2d told him.

"is that right. well how much longer are you gonna be?".

"I really don't know. if i leave now i'll miss out on some really good tips".

murdoc sighed "you carry on, i'll leave".

"sorry M, i'll call you lata okay?".

"yeah alrite".

"i've gotta get going now. this fella ace seems like he's gonna be here for some time".

"ace?!" murdoc exclaimed down the phone.

2d was about to respond but murdoc cut the
call. he practically jumped out of his car and rushed inside of the club.

once he was inside he began to scan the place, checking every booth and table there was.

he eventually found himself lingering outside of the vip lounge that was guarded by that one fucking annoying bouncer called russel.

murdoc could literally see ace just behind him, laughing away with a few of the girls.

"oi mate, do us a favour and let me in there will ya".

"how many times do I have to deal with yo cracka ass" the security guard insulted.

"just let me off this one time. i know the guy in there!" murdoc tried his luck.

"you have about 5 seconds to get out my face before I do some irreversible damage".

"for the love of sweet satan, just let me through. ace! ace, over here!" the raven haired man began to call out, flapping his arms around wildly.

luckily he did catch the attention of his chum.

"ayy murdoc, funny seeing you here. hey big guy, let my pal through" he gestured for murdoc to come over.

he pushed past russ and approached aces booth. he was welcomed by a small group of female strippers. there were a few male ones there too.

including 2d.

his eyes were glued to him.

"how's it hangin' old buddy" ace greeted.

Private Dancer - 2docWhere stories live. Discover now