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stu was in the dressing room with the other dancers, getting ready for the night. he was styling his hair in the mirror.

"hey bluebird, i needa word".

the dancer was torn from his vanity when
the familiar nickname was called out to him. there's only a handful of people that have ever called him that name and one of them was his boss.

2d followed him out of the room and into the corridor outside.

"is everything okay?" he questioned, half concerned half curious.

"i'd be lying if I said yes to that. how do i put this.." his boss trailed off. "we've had a few complaints about your..appearance".

"huh, wots wrong wiv how i look?".

"for christ's sake stu, look at all the marks on your neck. you're covered in 'em! they're all over you, blue".

"o-oh" the dancer began to heat up in embarrassment.

"yeah, 'oh'. did you really think those
skimpy outfits you wear would cover all of those shag tags and scratches? you even have bite marks on you for cryin' out loud!" his
boss remarked.

"i-i'm sorry, i'll try and cover them up" stu apologised.

"you better because you're losing customers stu. don't get me wrong, some of 'em love this new look but others prefer you to look more...pure  yanno?".

"yeah I get it".

"just please fix up stu. i don't wanna have to let you go, you're one of the best dancers here. a real main attraction and what's andromeda without the star of the show, eh?".

the bluenette gave a polite smile.

"but anyways i'm glad we had this talk and whoever your new lover is they must be giving you more than a good time. i need me some of that" his boss began to laugh.

2d blushed bright red.

"see ya later".

next day

murdoc and stu had just finished one of their fuck sessions. they were in 2d's apartment on the couch, all hot and sweaty.

"fuck me, i'm cream crackered" murdoc panted.

"huh?" 2d flashed him a confused look.

"knackered" he defined.

"oh" stu let out a small giggle as he fanned himself with his hand.

murdoc got up from on top of him and reached for the cigarette box on the table, after pulling up his briefs.

he glanced over at the bluenette who had
his head laid back on the couch arm, trying to catch his breath. he looked so pretty just lying there.

he's really good at looking pretty.

"oh M, guess wot happened yesterday" he shot his head up.

"Mhm?" murdoc hummed, cigarette in his mouth.

"so my boss pulled me aside and told me that people have noticed all the marks 'nd stuff on my body that you've given me and if i don't get rid of 'em he'll give me the sack".

"eh? how does that effect your work?" murdoc was clearly ticked off.

"well it's about how i present myself. i suppose it is a bit unprofessional of me to have hickeys and bruises" 2d shrugged.

"well i say fuck the lot of 'em. it's your body at
the end of the day luv and besides it wouldn't be a bad thing if they did lay you off" murdoc stated.

"how's that?" 2d asked, slightly taking offence.

"well i dunno, i just think you have potential. more potential than what you already do. yeah, you're good at what you do but i think you can do more. maybe you should think about applying for that dance course or whatever it was".

"you really think i should?".

"yeah, why not. you can't just waste away
in a stripclub all your life stu, you're better
than that. and besides, that environment just doesn't suit you. all those prying eyes staring
at you like you're a slab of meat in a lion enclosure. i'm not too keen on all those
men keeping a mental wank bank
of you either ".

"but then that defeats the whole purpose of
my job. you're literally shaggin' me murdoc, what more do you want?!".

"i didn't bloody mean it like that!" the older man snapped.

"wait, are you tellin' me to go to uni because you don't like what i do? are you jealous that i'm surrounded by other men or sumfink?".

"i ain't got nothing to be jealous about sunshine. and stop jumping to conclusions".

"how am I jumping to conclusions? it's as clear as night!".

"day" murdoc corrected him.

"don't do that! it's like you're trying to be my voice. like i'm not able to think for myself" 2d lashed out at him.

"woah, hold on. i don't know what's brought all this on but you're getting it all wrong!" murdoc exclaimed.

"well to me it sounds like you're trying to control my life. you're jealous murdoc, admit it. you don't want me around other men, you even said it a few days ago!".

"well of course i don't, not ones that wanna fuck you anyway".

"but you're also telling me to quit my job".

"uh when did I say that? stu stop all of this, you're actin' crazy".

"did you just call me crazy?!" 2d exclaimed in disbelief.

"oh for the love of sweet satan, you know what i meant, stop twisting my words".

"murdoc i think its time you left" 2d stood up from the sofa.

"you can't be serious".

murdoc received no response.

"fine, i'll go".

he began to curse under his breath as he
picked up his clothes that were scattered around the room. once he had managed to get his jeans on he walked over to the front door and opened it, taking one last look at 2d who was staring at the ground.

his mouth opened slightly to speak but he thought it was best to leave things unsaid. in that moment all of his pent up frustration lead him to slam the door shut.

was he truly this hurt by stuart's accusations? he's got no reason to be.

unless he truly cares for him. unless he actually likes him..

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