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murdoc had finally woken from his slumber.
he was already in a shit mood. he did a bone-cracking stretch and sat up on the couch. looks like he fell asleep in the livingroom last night.

he stood up and drowsily scanned the room for his phone. it wasn't long before he spotted it on the floor next to the table.

he let out a strained grunt as he picked it up.
he only wanted to check the time but was bombarded with notifications.

they were missed calls from ace.

so he was the one ringing murdocs phone last night.


murdoc had every right not to call him back but he was curious as to why he was getting in touch in the first place.

he unlocked his phone and went straight on to call ace. the line began to ring.

this wanker better pick up.

"ayy niccals, how's it goin'?".

that accent is not something you wanna hear first thing after waking up. it's enough to make your ears bleed.

"oh enough with the small talk. why were you calling me last night?" murdoc cut to the chase.

"woahh easy dere tiger. did someone wake up on the wrong side of da bed?" ace joked.

"i'll show you whose woken up on the wrong side of the bed" murdoc grunted.

"alrite alrite, chillout mudzy! I called to see what you was doin' tonite".

"what's this about?".

"i just wanted to see if you were down to tag along to that stripclub i was tellin you about. have you been yet?" questioned ace.

if only he knew.

"no" murdoc lied.

"ah sweet, why don't you come down wiv me an' some of da guys" ace suggested.

"i'll think about it" murdoc mumbled, reaching for the pack of cigs on the table.

"alrite, say no more. give me a ring when you've made your mind up. i'm tellin you,
you won't wanna miss it".

"i bet".

"anyways i gotta skedaddle. got a busy day ahead of me" ace mentioned.

"see ya" murdoc abruptly ended the call.

if he entertained the conversation any longer ace would have began to boast about his life. the man has been in one or two television ads and yet he acts as if he's been nominated for an oscar.

he's doing better than murdoc in life anyway.


the time was 21:17.

murdoc had lounged around the whole day waiting until the period where he would start to get ready.

the thought of seeing 2d again made his stomach do backflips.

what is it about this stranger that makes such an apathetic man feel things?

is it the way he moves so sensually on the pole, his innocent charm or his unique look?

murdoc couldn't tell.

he continued to get ready nevertheless.

he wore a smart black shirt, dark jeans and his infamous cuban heels.

after spraying himself with some of his finest cheap cologne he was ready to go.

he had to make a good impression after all.

it wasn't until about 25 minutes later when
he arrived at the club. he parked up and went ahead inside.

he remembered how ace was due to visit so he needed to keep an even lower profile than usual, if that was possible.

he made it through the entrance and passed into the main room that he wanted to be in.

he expected it to be busy because it was a saturday but it was more packed than he would have liked it to be.

he tried to ignore all of the faces and focused on the main reason he was there.


although he wasn't to be seen anywhere.

murdoc didn't like the way he was feeling.
he felt angry..confused..vulnerable.

before he knew it he was at the bar.

"large rum and coke" he ordered.

"that'll be 6.49 please".

he scrounged through his wallet for the
money and desperately handed it over to
the bartender in return for his much needed drink.

once he received it he didn't shy away from taking a few big gulps.

the alcohol tasted good pouring into his system.

made him feel bright and confident.

as he examined the drinks behind the bar, deciding what to order next, he acknowledged someone walking up beside him.

the soft smell of a sweet perfume filled murdocs nostrils. it was so mesmerising.

despite taking a slight interest in the stranger standing next to him, murdoc couldn't care less so he kept his head down.

"looks like we're in for a busy night tonight. what're you drinking?" questioned the bartender.

"uhh, i'll 'av one of them colourful cocktails that you do" the stranger replied.

that voice. it's so familiar.

could it be..

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