Chapter 21.

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~Karai's POV~
"Wow." I said out loud not meaning to. The really cute guy laughed.
"S-sorry I didn't mean to say that o-out loud..." I apologize as my face turns red.
"It's fine Karai. I haven't seen you in a really long time! Last time I saw you was when you were all mutated." He knows my name?? Just, play it off like you know who he is!
"Haha yeah.. Long time no see. Hehe... I can change from snake to human. I like human better though." I laughed.
"You have no idea who you're talking to do you? I can tell by the eye contact and the body motion. It's okay though, I guess you could say I've changed."
"Yeah, you're right. I have no Idea who you are." He giggled while I was looking like a complete idiot.
"Just look at me for a minute, try to remember." I study his body and try to think who it was. I can't make it out! Before I knew it, I was checking him out. Whoops.
"I said look at me for a minute not check me out." He teased and giggled.
"I wasn't checking you out! I was studying you." I say.
"Surrreee." He says winking at me. My face turns red again.
"You really don't know who I am?"
"Wait! I will figure it out." I studied what he was wearing and his facial features. Then, I notice that there's a hockey stick in his backpack.
"Omg! Casey?!" I say, placing my hand over my mouth.
"Hey! There ya go!" He hugs me and I can smell the cologne on his clothes.
"You've changed. A lot."
"Is that a good thing?" He laughed.
"Uhhh yeah! I'm amazed!" I say. Just then, April came into the room.
"Karai?!" She says.
"Oh my gosh I haven't seem you in forever!" She basically screamed. I laughed.
"Oh well, here I am!" She hugged me and we all caught up for a while. Once that was over, we all decided to go hang out for a while.

~Leo's POV~
Wow.. I can't believe this. I rubbed my stomach as I got up from the table.
"Are you positive, Donnie?" Raph asked. I know he's scared because well, it's not everyday someone gets their brother pregnant I mean really, come on. It's not natural.
"I'm positive Raph. I saw proof.." Don answered looking at my stomach.
"Will it be an egg..or an actual baby..?" Mikey bursts in.
"Ummm..I, not exactly sure. I can't tell right now. We are reptiles, so that's an egg. But we are halfway human, so... That's an actual birth. So, I guess well have to see."
~an hour later~
Raph and I were in my room alone. I was sitting on my bed, while Raph was pacing around the room.
"I just can't believe it. Your pregnant! I got my brother pregnant!" Raph shouted.
"Yeah, I know, I'm scared too. But I promise you, everything is going to be okay."
"What about training? What about patrol?"
"I guess you'll just have to do that with out me. And hey, the city's been pretty calm for what? 3-4 months maybe? You'll be fine Raph. I promise." I gave him a kiss and he gave me the biggest hug he's ever given anyone.
"We're, having....a-a bab-y..." Raph wiped a tear away from his eye.

I know, it's very short but right now, I'm very sick and my sister just had her baby so I've been up taking care of her and I'm soooo tired! So I know it's short and boring but please forgive me! Okay, byyeee!!😊

~That special feeling (Donniexmikey leoxraph yaoi fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now