Chapter 22

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~2 weeks later~
~Leo's POV~
Last week, we told April, Casey, and Karai about the...pregnancy.. I'll have to admit, I'm scared. Afraid. Terrified. All of the above. Who would've guessed. We haven't told Sensei yet... Yeah. That's a big problem. He's going to notice me getting fat if I have an actual birth like a mammal. Maybe I'll just lay an egg, yeah, then maybe I won't get fat? And he won't ever have to know because....well, Nevermind. I'm not throwing my own kids out.. That's terrible. I'm keeping my kids. But If we tell Sensei I'm pregnant, he'll know what Raph and I have been doing..... Aw shit! Were 17! We're not supposed to-ugh! Whatever. I'm done thinking.
Aaaaanywhosees, we got Karai to go buy a pregnancy test for me. You know, to make sure. Donnie said he saw it but I was like, what, 7-9 days pregnant? I don't know? He can't tell that early can he?

~April's POV~
Let's see, let's see...
"Have you found them yet???!" I yelled to Casey who was halfway across the store.
"No!!!! Quit asking ever 15 seconds I'll tell you if I found them!" He yelled back.
"Hey! Can you two keep it down?!" The store manager shouted angrily. I looked at him and he was giving me a death stare.
"Oh uh...sorry." I apologize.
"I think I found them!!!" Casey shouted once more.
"SSSSHHHHHHH!!!!" The old man shushed. I was running halfway across the store.
"You found them?"
"Yeah I think so. Is this it?"
"Naw, its a pack of gum flavored pregnancy test." I said sarcastically as it read it big hold letters:
He gave me an annoyed look.
"Will you go up there and pay for them? Please? For Leo?" I smiled.
"I'm a guy!! You're a girl! It would only make sense of you did it!"
"I look way too young to be buying pregnancy tests. I don't wanna look like a big slut." I defended. Casey sighed and walked off.
"Love you." I said as he walked to the counter. In return he raised his hand and flicked me off playfully. Lol.

~Casey's POV~
April said She loved me after she ticked me off so I gave her the middle finger. But don't worry, it was a symbol, of my love and she knows that.
\_(^- ^)_/ *shrug*

Then I turned around and told her I loved her too and proceeded to the counter. I'm gonna look like a damn idiot.
I laid the pregnancy test down on the counter and $3.00. The old man at the counter looked up and raised his eyebrow at me. I slowly pointed my thumb at April who was still in the isle on her phone.
"Is that your wife?" The old man asked with a British accent.
"So I'm guessing your the father?"
"Uhh... Not exactly.." He raised his brow at me once again and I just smiled awkwardly. Then April walked over, still on the phone, just in time with a box of condoms.
"Ummm... April?! What are these for??" She held the phone away from her face and said:
"We'll be needing these later." My face turned red and the old man was starring at us....
"Uhhh...." I said. I laid more money on the counter and immediately grabbed our things. I grabbed Aprils arm and rushed out of the store.
"April what the hell?" I whispered to her.
"No problem. Uhh... I'll have to call ya back..." She said as she hung up the phone. I waited for an answer.
"What was I supposed to say?! Oh hey we need to buy some condoms for our gay turtle friends?!!"
"The turtles?? They want condoms??"
"Yeah, that's who I was on the phone with them. They needed them, 'just in case' " she added.

April: hello?
???: hey, April, you still at the store?
April: uhh yeah why?
???: can you pick something else up please...?
April: sure,anything! What is it?
???:'s kind of awkward asking someone else to get them but ya know, the whole, secret existence thing, haha..
April: it doesn't matter what it is just tell me and I'll get them. *laughs*
???: okay uhhh.... Since, we can.. Ya know, get pregnant...can you buy us some condoms just incase? Just to....get prepared for the future... *fake laughs*
April: oh yeah sure! You don't have to be embarrassed! But wouldn't it be dangerous for Leo since she-HE is pregnant?
???: uhhh yeah..... But they've already been told that they aren't allowed to do those things.
April: ohh then who-*GASP* THEYRE FOR-
???: *sigh* yes April. Now, can you please, just get them and never talk about this again??
April: oh yeah! Sure!
???: thanks....
April: no problem. Uhh... I'll have to call ya back Mike..
Mikey: Okay, bye.

Short but hey, Whatevs don't hate me!
Okay so I hope you liked this really short chapter!! Comment what you thought! Byeeeeeee!

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