Chapter 11.

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~Donnie's POV~

Where in the world is Mikey?? He wanted to talk right here so where is he? I texted him a while ago and he never answered. I'll just go look for him.

First, I looked in his room. Does he ever clean up in here? I didn't see him so I turned around and shut the door behind me. Next, I checked Raph's room. Slowly opening the door, I asked, "hey, Raph have you seen mi-woah." I stopped to see Raph with leo in his arms, both of them sound asleep. But that isn't what caught my eye. What caught my eye was the little specks of white stuff that was on the bed and... Leo's.. chest.. were they, were they just..? I walked over to Raph and tried to wake him up. "R-Raph? Have you seen Mikey?" I heard him mumble something but I couldn't understand what it was. "Raph! Leo!" Raph and Leo shot up. "What the hell Donnie??" Raph said in an annoyed tone. "Sorry to..uhh..interrupt? But have you seen Mikey? And what's on your bed....?" I gave Raph kind of a confused look. "What do you mean what on my bed?" He replied. I pointed down to his bed sheets and Leo's chest. Leo quickly covered himself up and Raph just stared. "Shit shut shit shit!!" "Um... I'll.. just go look for Mikey.." I then, ran out of the room, shocked.

My phone went off. It was a text from Raph.


Donnie: whoops..

"D-don-ieeee" *pants* I heard someone say. I'm pretty sure it was Mikey's voice but where was he? Ohhh..duh! Why didn't I look there before! I walked over to the couch. He was asleep? Then who said my name? I was just about to walk off when..

"Donieee...*pants and moans*" I turned around and saw Mikey. He was the one saying it.. He was sleep talking. I watched as his hand lowered to his slit and he began rubbing it...was he, dreaming about me?

I put my hand on Mikey's shoulder and shook him lightly. "Hey, Mikey. Miiikey. Wake up." His eyes slowly Opened and flickered. "Hey Donnie.." He gave a slight smile and I smiled back. "Hey, you said you wanted to talk to me but you never showed up. I guess you forgot and fell asleep." I said letting out a small giggle. "Oh yea, sorry bout that." He slowly got up and rubbed his eyes. "So..?" I say, wondering what he had to tell me. "Oh, umm, I'd rather us be alone. If that's okay.." "Oh um, sure." I put my hand out, trying to help him get up. He grabs my hand and smiles. I'm pretty sure he could tell I was blushing as I could feel my face get hot. Our hands separated and i gestured for him to follow me.

~Mikey's POV~

I grabbed Donnie's hand and slowly got up. I could tell he was blushing. It's easy to notice. I silently laughed to myself at that thought. He blushes a lot but I think it's really cute when he does! When he let go, he gestured for me to follow him. I nodded and we walked to the lab side by side.

When we reached our destination, he opened the doors and waited for me go. I stepped inside the lab and he followed, shutting the door behind him. "You can just, sit down over there." He pointed to a chair across from another chair, with a desk in between them. (I couldn't think of a better way to describe that) I sat down in the chair and Donnie sat down in the other one. "Do you mind if I work on something while we talk?" He asks. "No, not at all." I glanced over and something hanging up in the corner and it caught my eye. Donnie dropped a little piece to the thing he was working on so he bent over to pick it up. That was my chance. My chance to go grab the thing in the corner. I ran over to it, grabbed it, and sat back down.

~Donnie's POV~
Dang it! I dropped a really tiny piece that I need for this! I looked around in the floor until I finally found it! "Okay, I found it." I got up and look over at Mikey. He had the biggest smile on his face. I let out a small giggle! He was wearing my lab coat! "Where did you get that?" I asked smiling. "Oh I found it over there in the corner." He smiled and I saw that the sleeves were really long on him. "It's a little too long don't you think?" I laughed again at how cute he looked! "Yeah, just a little! Can I keep it?" "Why would you want to keep my lab coat? What would you do with it?"

~Mikey's POV~

"Why would you want to keep my lab coat? What would you do with it?" Donnie said grinning. "So that I can feel like your always with me! I don't ever want to go one second without you!" I said, and just like I'd hoped, Donnie blushed. "Well, I uhh..guess, that'd be okay." He rubbed his neck and gave me a smile. It was quiet for a while.

"So, did you have a good dream?" Donnie asked. "How do you know I had a dream?" "You were talking in your sleep!" He began to laugh. I felt my face get red. I had a sexual dream of me and Donnie.. Is that bad? "Wha-what was I saying..?" I honestly, didn't want to know what he was going to say.. "You really want to know?" He asked giving me a 'you sure?' Look. "Not really but kind of.. I just want to know how much you heard.." "Oh well, you didn't just say kind of..did, something too." "I did...?" "Yeah.." "What did I do..." "Well, you said 'Donieee' and then you started panting you...rubbed...-" "I don't want to hear any more. Thanks." "Yeah..." "Sorry, you had to experience that.." "Don't be. It's fine. So, what did you want to talk about in the first place?" I froze up. How was I suppose to tell him?? "Oh, umm..I don't really know how to..s-say it." "Oh..well, then..take your time I guess." I thought for a while..
", do you remember how we fell on top of each other in the dojo? And when you said you..umm..liked it? And then we talked..and I-I.." He cut me off knowing I couldn't finish the sentence.
"You kissed my cheek? And then when I gave you the letter? Yeah..I remember it all. But, why?" "Well, I still have the letter..I kept it." Donnie pushed the thing he was working on to the side. "Well I didn't really..think you'd keep it." He said. "Well, why wouldn't I? It tells me that you love me...more than a brother. Right?" He started blushing and gave me another smile. "Uhh..yeah, actually.." "Well, I just thought you'd like to hear that..I, love you too." I looked down at the long lab coat I was wearing. "R-real-really? Y-you do?" I looked up and saw hope in his eyes. "Yes Donnie. I really do!" I smiled and so did he.

~Donnie's POV~
This is the happiest moment of my life! I thought I'd never find someone who loved me but I finally did!

Out of full happiness I jumped up out of my chair and hugged my younger brother! I squeezed him so tightly! "Thank you thank you thank you! I can't believe this! You have no idea how happy you've made me!" I said quietly, almost immediately I heard Mikey let out a small laugh. I let go of my brother wishing I didn't have too. "Oh and Donnie?" He says.
"Yeah?" "There's something I've been waiting for from you." "I think I've been waiting for the same thing." I smiled at him and pressed my lips against his. They were so soft.. Mikey's tongue was asking for I gave it to him. Oh how I wish this moment could last forever!

(A/N) Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter! Tell me what you think in the comments! I kept reading this over and over again checking it to see if I think you guys would like it! So thanks for the support it really helps me and hope you have a wonderful night/day! Thank you! :)

~That special feeling (Donniexmikey leoxraph yaoi fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now