Chapter 10.

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~Mikey's POV~
Can Donnie just hurry up and kiss me? I know that was sudden but if he loves me back, shouldn't we be in a relationship? Just asking. I mean, isn't that the normal thing to happen? Two people love each other, tell each other how they feel, kiss, then they're in a relationship, and then next thing you know they're on top of each other. Wait. What? I'm thinking too much, I need some food.

-couple hours later-

So...Donnie hadn't talked to me all freaking day! Is he TRYING to mess with my head?? Because it's working! I think I'll just text Donnie and tell him to meet me in his lab so we can talk about this, it's driving me crazy!

Mikey: Hey, I haven't hurd from u in a while.. Can we talk later alone in the lab? Doesn't mater win but I was hoping sumtime win u ain't bizzy or sumthing. Thx. By.

It took him like, ages to text back but he finally did.

Donnie: Hey, sorry. I was finishing something up. But yeah sure I'll be free in about an hour if that's okay? And do you know how many words you misspelled? And "ain't" isn't a word, it's "aren't".

Mikey: ok yea whatever. And yea that's good. See u then.

Raph and leo have been in Raph's bedroom for almost all day. Hey! I have a whole hour to waste! I'll go spy on them! Il be like, turtle spy? I don't know.

~Raph's POV~
Me and Leo have been in my room for a long time. We've been talking for a while. Well, he's been talking. I haven't really said anything nor have I been listening. I've pretty much just stared at him. He's so sexy! It makes me wanna, just, grab him know.

Leo got up and walked over to the door, about to walk out. "Where do ya think you're going?" "Oh well, you weren't really listening to me so.. I thought you wouldn't mind if I left..." "Well you aren't getting away that easily. Come here!" I got up and walked towards him. I put one hand in his neck and the other on his waist. I gave him a light peck on the lips and let go.

"Really? That's all I get?" He asked and then slamming his lips into mine. He rubbed his body against mine.

~Mikey's POV~
I slowly crept towards Raph's door and put my head against the door to listen. It was really quiet. I knew I'd here something sooner or later so I kept listing.

~Leo's POV~
Raph's tongue asked for entrance, but I decided to tease him and not give him it. That's when he grabbed my tail and teased ME! He knew that if he played with my tail in a certain way, I would moan... So of course, I fell for it and moaned. He didn't go in though, instead, he moved down to my neck until he found my sweet spot. I bit my lip trying not to make any noise.. He kept kissing and sucking on that one place until I couldn't hold it in any longer.. I let out a loud moan and he kept with that same place! Raph placed his knee right in between my legs.. Rubbing it against my lower plastron, waiting for my lower member to get hard. He kept playing with my tail and kissing and sucking my neck, making sure he left a bruise.. I was now moaning Raph's name like crazy. "R-ra-Raph! Raph! Oh god! Ohhh!!"

~Mikey's POV~
Was Leo...moaning? I listened more and I could hear Leo screaming Raph's name. What were they doing in there? They're probably just playing a dumb video game or something. Leo must be losing. Ha! Well, Sitting here listening to them play a video game is boring. I'll just go watch tv or something.

~Leo's POV~
Before I knew it Raph had me in his arms, carrying me to the bed. He laid me down and slammed his lips against mine. He was lying on top of me and we only broke our kiss a couple times for air before I felt a pleasuring pain in my lower section. I felt Raph smile against my lips. He started to go down to my neck again until he found that sweat spot! Trust me, I'm not complaining one bit! It felt...right..

Raph began to thrust into me as hard as he could and I again, bit my now sore lip, trying not to make too much noise. It was my first time doing this.. I was a virgin before now.. But I'll tell him that later.

"Uhhnn!! Ra-Raph! Oh god!"
"Le-leoo! I-I'm almost!! I'm almost th-there!!" Then, I felt him explode inside of me. It felt good to be honest..whoops! ;)
He laid down beside me, both of us breathing rapidly until we fell asleep holding each other in our arms.

(A/N) HEY!! I'm so glad I'm continuing this story! I tried not to get too graphic with this so it may not be as exciting but trust me, it's gonna get good! I'll give you a hint, April, casey, and some fighting is going to be involved! And I don't mean fighting with the bad guys! And it's currently 4 am where I live so I'm done for tonight! So keep reading it's going to get good! And maybe a little bloody? ;) *gives an evil smile* Mwahahaha!!

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