The End...

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 Sorry i havnt updated in so long guys. In sorry.


 The air was freezing, the ground was a sheet of thin shining frost. The sky was grey and full of nothingness. The trees surrounding the area were bare and lifless. The plants around were dead but sure to bloom in the spring, which seemed so far away for the blonde.

The petite blonde, in her black thick winter coat, and a flower in her hand, kneeled to the ground, shivering as a cold wind curcled the empty graveyard. The blonde placed her boney hand onto a new gravestone, still only a week old, of a brunette she was once in love with. Kristin began to cry silently letting her emotions flood out as the memories of Idina raced through her mind. Her knees caved in as she drooped to the floor. She hadnt slept a wink, hadnt eaten, her body was frail, her hair was wispy, and she couldnt cope. Kristin tried to pull herself together, knowing fine well there was no chance of that happening. 

"I-i miss you Dee" Kristin managed to get out through the sound of her heart shattering and the frost on her hands.

"Wh-why did you have to do it. I-ca-cant do this life w-without y-you Dee. W-hy did you n-not come get me Idina! Instead of getting a r-rope and a chair!"

Kristin let out a loud cry and covered her face with her hands, unable to stop the tears that raced down her face, dropped onto the floor and melted the frost on the grass. The blonde gripped her flower that she had brought with her, and clasped it into her hand. She placed it down onto the floor where her lover was resting.

"You w-will fore-ver be my e-el-elph-ie"

"Your with God now Dee. Hes looking after you now baby. I just wish i got to see you, one last time."

The blonde brushed herself off, and stood up attempting to keep her body from collapsing from the lack of food. Kristin turned around and tried to walk away from the gravestone, but she had to say one last thing...

"I will never love anyone else again dee...Never"

The blonde turned around and walked away from the gravestone and-


The blonde lay on the floor, shaking and drenched in sweat, movving her head in all directions around where she was, having to learn where she was quickely. She was on her bedroom floor. With idina next to her...cryin at the sight of Kristins manic state.

It was all a dream?


AHHHHH I FOOLED YOU ALL SO HARD LIKE OMG IM SO EVIL!!!  IT WAS ALL ADREAM KRISTIN HAS AHHHH. Ha, you guys didnt think i would actully kill of Idina did you ahahahahaha. Sorry for making you all cry and stuff. Lol comment and vote guys. More updates more often now :)

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