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This is the last part to be uploaded tonight.


Enjoy ;)


*Back to Kristin*

Kristin had returned from signing autographs and had a bunch of pink and green flowers in her hands. She knew Idina had been feeling down again, so she wanted to give her something special. With the flowers lay a note saying:

"Pink goes good with green, Love you always Kris xxx"

"Idina is going to love these"

Kristin thought to herself. She continued to walk down the corridor, everyone had gone home. She continued down the corridor; until she heard a noise. She wondered what it was, was it someone crying? As Kristin got closer to Idina's dressing room, she noticed the sound was coming from Idina's room. Kristin began to worry. Kristin put her ear to the dressing room. She knocked on the door,

"Idina, is that you honey?"

She said. Kristin started reasuring herself, telling herself its okay, Idina will be okay. She waited a little bit before she got an answer. All Kristin could hear was the sound of Idina crying. Now she knew something was defiantly up. She couldn't bear a repeat of what happened last month, where Idina smashed her mirror and had a breakdown. Kristin tried to open the door, but it was locked.

"Idina never locks her door"

Kristin thought to herself. Idinas cries were getting louder. Kristin shouted to her

"Idina sweetheart open the door, let's talk... are you hurt... DEE YOU PROISED YOU WOULD TALK TO ME! IDINA OPEN THIS DOOR"

Kristin knew this time was different, she had a feeling in her gut, something was very wrong. Tears rushed from her eyes as she panicked. The blonde started to rattle the door in an attempt to get it open. She wasn't strong enough. She put the flowers down onto the floor, took a step back and shouted

"Idina I'm coming in!"

And with that she ran into the door and burst it open. She looked around the dressing room in a state of panic, no sight of Idina. She couldnt see anything bc it was dark. Kristin turned the light on. She saw Idina's costumes were all hung up. But her room was unusualy tidy. Idinas phone lit up again, Kristin saw this and reached over to look at it, thats when Kristin saw the article, and what they had sad about Dee. Kristin could hear the shower was on and hears her lover cry, and her heart sank.

"Oh no."

Idinas cries were so loud now, and Kristin began to cry and worry, and started to sweat and was scared to go into the bathroom, scared of what state she would find Idina in. Kristin can tollerate a lot of things, she can cope with heart break, loss, and in some cases hate mail. But this is one thing that Kristin struggled with the most.

She put her hand on the handel to Idina's bathroom, she hesitated. She opened the door and ran into the room, it was empty, she saw the shower curtain was drawn. She let out one loud cry,


She drew the shower curtain, revelling Idina hunched up in the corner crying her heart out, she had no cloths of and a blade to her wrist. Kristins eyes went wide with anger and fear. Kristin dived into the shower as fast as she could and grabbed the blade of Idina before Idina had the chance to do anything. Kristin threw the blade away from the shower and Idina screamed at Kristin

"No, leave me be!!!"

Idina became instantly weak once the blade was gone. She started waving her hands, well she tried, her body was limp and she was drained. In an attempt to get the blade back she threw her arms out of the shower and tried to grab it. Kristin pulled her back into the shower and pinned her down, she wouldn't let Idina move or leave her side.

Kristin had Idina on the shower floor, her body was half leaning to keep Idina on the floor. Kristin was not prepared to let Idina go. Kristin sat up from Idina, she held her hands as thy were shaking so much. Idina let out an almightey cry. Idina couldnt breathe properly. This was a cry for help. Kristin pulled Idina up and laid her in her lap, letting her head fall into her chest. Kristin sat on the shower floor with Idina laying there an emotional wreck again, with the shower still on, she didn't care anymore. She just had to be there for Idina. She had to look after her. Kristin was crying and so was Idina. Idina was hugging Kristin; besides the fact of how weak she was she needed someone to show her love. Idina started to make out some words underneath her crying, she said to Kristin

-"I can't do this... a-any-m-mm-more k-Kris."

Idina was finally being honest. She started shaking uncontrollably, her feelings overwhelmed her and she said what she had felt for in ages. Saying this outloud made it all seem very real.

"Kristin I just want to die!"

Idina started hyperventilating, crying her eyes out, shaking as the hot water splashed against her naked weak body. Kristin started to hold onto Idina tighter than she had ever done before. Kristin was rocking Idina as she was sobbing her heart out. Kristin was crying too, they sat there and they both cried for what had just happened. Kristin continued to rock Idina back and forth on the floor of the shower, trying to let her know that everything was going to be alright, and that she was there in this desperate time.

She ran her fingers through Idinas hair to try and calm her down, and she lightly kissed her head as they were both still crying. Idina needed her most of all now, Idina needed someone to show her that they care. Kristin could finally see why Idina had been feeling so down, and had ben distancing herself away from her. Idina had had a meltdown in the past. She knew it was only a matter of time before this happened.

Kristin knew she should have said something, when Idina whispered that she wanted to die in her room. She knew that Idina was cappable of this. Thats when it hit her

Her one true love had attempted suicide...

And she couldnt help but feel responsible...





Hope you enjoyed

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