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*im enjoying writing this. iv just finished writing the middle of this story, and guys, bloody hell, it was so hard to write, its actully heartbreaking whats going to come. They dont break up or anything but hella, is sad and relates to me. Its my way of getting inner thoughs out. THANK YOU GUYS FOR COMMENTING! I wanted to write fanfic bc other pople were so good at it. I feel like im getting to there standards. Comment if you want me to keep going or just stop. Thank you*

Idina was sitting on her chair inside her dressing room, she had just finished a show, and was feeling pretty exausted. Idina was scrolling through her twitter feed on her phone, when she saw a familular blonde standing in her doorway. The blonde didnt have her bubble dress on, shew as wearing her black leggings and a black low cut shirt. Idina stood up and faced the blonde.

"Hey baby you wer-"

Idina was cut off by Krisin who ran towards her and huged her ever so tightley. She dug her face into Idinas chest and began to cry. Idina wrapped her arms in a tight grip around the blonde.


Idina was so worried about Kristin, what had happened. Kristins face was speered in her make up and the teas came streaming down her face. She held onto Idina like there wa no tomorow. She was completly exausted. Idinas blood bagan to boil as she felt Kristins tears onto her skin and hear her gasping for breath as she was crying so much. Idina ran her fingers through the blondes hair, tryingto calm her down, letting her know she was there for her as Kristin had been for Idina. Kristin looked up to Idina and said to her with dissapointment and sorrow in her eyes,

"Baby, did you see what they put online. DID YOU SEE WHAT THEY SAID!"

Kristins eyes puffed up and her cheeks bagan to turn red, she was so distressed.

"Honney, what did they say, you and i both know you shouldnt read the bad stuff they put on the internet"

Kristin looked into Idinas eyes, this must be something bad Idina thought to herself.

"They public voted me the most useless performer"

Kristin could bearly get the words out, she was so upest with not only the people, but with herelf.

"Im a f*cking waste of space! I KNEW that I wasnt right for this part!"

Kristin bagan to hyperventilate, Idina let Kristin hang onto her, as she was getting weak on her feet. Idina knew she had to do something, she reached over to her dressing table and got the blonde a paper bag.

Idina wrapped her arms around the blondes tiny waist. She sat the blonde down onto her couch and handed her a paper bag. Idina sat next to her rubbing her back, she knew that calmed Kristin down. Plus its relaing.

"Keep breathing...thats is baby... keep breathing for me."

Kristin used the bag for a phew mins, and got her breathing under control. Idinas heart relaxed now, she knew what to do in situatins like this because she did a first aid course. When Idina was a wedding singer, she was singing one time and a man had a hear attack on the dance floor. She carried on singing, she got a lot of hate for it from the people there. But after that day, she did the corse so she would know what to do if anything like that happened again.

Kristin's eyes looked empty. She had worn hersef out. Kristin looked at dina dead in the facee and said

"Dee, y- you know w- when you have been crying for s- so long, yo- your body just g- get so tired it c- cant fu - funn - function properly."

She bagan to tear up slightley, she looked at her feet and wrapped her arms around her stomach.

"Dee i have that. I cant bare this feeling of emptiness any longer!"

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