We All Need That Moment...

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I have no idea what i have just done. I think i just... ug idk. I had writers block so heres some more stuff for you to get upset, and possible cry about. Your welcome. Sorry if itt not very good. Im trying my best to make it as interesting as i can. I hope your enjoying this. Thanks.


Kristin lifted her head up and woke up in a strike of shock. Hey eyes flew open and jolted her head up. She woke up to Idinas room, it was still dark outside so she couldnt really see anything. She couldnt have fallen asleep for that long could she?

Her eyes frantically looked around the room to find Idina. The blonde calmed down once she saw the tall woman, lying in bed. She was still alive, thank goodness. (No pun intended ;) ) Kristins heart was beating so fast, at the fact she had fallen asleep, she was suposed to be looking after Idina, and she had failed once again. Idina could have died, all because you were so stupid enough to fall asleep. Kristin thought to herself. She was so scared and had no idea what she was going to do. 

Kristin was still sitting in the corner of the room, on a chair that was very comfterble. This way Kristin had full view of the room,because it wasnt helpful having the bathroom opposit the large double bed Idina owned. Thats where all of Idinas razors an-.


Kristin mumbled under her breath. She had to get rid of them, or at least get them out of the way for now. Untill Idina was a bit better. Kristin slowely stood up from the chair, her body still weak and stiff. She quietly walked across the room, peered over at Idina to make sure she was still sleeping; which she was. The blonde opened the door to the bathroom, too find all her razors, which were kepped inside her cabinet. Kristin opened the door to the cabinet wich hung on the wall. 

Kristin gasped and quickly put her hand over her mouth. Inside the cabinet, were all the razors you could Imagine, but that wasn't the problem she had. They were stacked up, in size order, lying neatly in a row on the bottem of the cabinet. A whole shelf was dedicated to razors, knifes, pencil sharpners; you name a sharp object it was in there. Some of them were rusty, some were brand new still in packiging. Kristin saw something. It made her  tear up, a lump appered in her throat again, and she felt sick to the stomach.

Some were stained with blood.

"what the fuck oh... no tell me she... she cant have.. no i cant..I refuse to believe... oh shit."

Kristin couldnt hold back the tears any longer. Hey eyes filled up and tears came spilling out of her eyes, dripping down her face like avalanches. The blonde tried to stop them, but she couldn't. She was overwhelmed at this. It was something she had always wondered, but never thought it would have actully been happening. And right under her nose. She was suposed to look after Idina, protect her from any harm anyone would do to her. To love and to cherish her no matter what, stick by her. They did that for eachother. But the blonde, with her face flushed, tears comming down her face and a heart beating 1000x per second, just fet she hadent done a good enough job.

Kristin shut the cabinet, and fell to her feet. She shut the bathroom door, and fell to her feet. The blonde put her hands to her face and cried like there was no tomorow. She couldn't proses this. Her breathing had slowed down, her face went blank, tears still falling like rain in a thunderstorm. She inhaled and so quietly, it might not even have counted as a whisper.

"Oh Dee...Self harm...I wish i could have been there for you..."

Kristin shut her eyes and drifted back to sleep. Feeling worthless. She would awaken any minuet, but she needed this moment. To compoe herself. After all...

We all need that moment.



If you want me to update soon they you should leave me a comment. And comment anyway. bc i think my fnfic sucks unless you make it very clear it isnt. Im one of those people. Sorry :P

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