I'm Done

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It went all wired ive had to re upload it. Sorry i didnt post, i was suposed to update, i didnt have my laptop or Ipad, sorry if i let any of you down. 

In advance... im sorry. bc this is sad. 

Idina and Kristin had just finished the show. After the bows Kristin when back to her dressing room. She got changed into the cloths he had arrived in, she wore a pair of black shorts and a white t shirt which had “Kiss me” written on it. She sorted out her bag; put her makeup in and other things she needed to take home with her. She left her bag in her dressing room. She made her way out to the corridor and went left to the stage door and went to meet fans. She saw a crowd of people and started to sign there playbills and sign pictures they had brought.


Idina went into her dressing room and shut the door behind her.

“My god, that was the worst show I have ever done”

She muttered to herself, she was so disappointed with the performance she had just given and was more disappointed with herself.

“You went out there, and you ruined the whole show, your voice broke on “The Wizard And I” and you’re never going to be good enough for this part.”

A tear fell down her face, she shook her head, trying to get the toughts to dissapear. But she tried to hold it together, she kept her tears in but her head was thinking dark thoughts, about herself, how much she hated herself. All the things she had done her best to hide away. How she wished she was someone else. These thoughts, scared her. She knew she had to distract herself.  The brunette took or her Act 2 dress and hung it up. She put her witches had on the stand.

She got her phone, opened up twitter to see what people were tweeting her. After the disaster of yeasterday, she didnt know if she should do this or not. The brunette found some mean tweets.

@IdinaMenzel ; I dont know why you even sing, you suck, Kristins a better singer than you anyway.

@IdinaMenzel ; You are so ugly OMFG, please leave the sight of humanity. Thank you.

@IdinaMenzel ; I hope you get cancer you disgusting cretin.

That was the worse thing she could of read, a tear fell down her face, how could someone be so horrible? She was so tired and felt like such a failure again. Idina didnt want to cry here, she wanted to wait till she got home, where she could be 100% herself. Its the only place she could let her inner deamons out. She came of twitter, getting sick and tired of these tweets. She got to her home screen and saw that her app had a 1 next to it, meaning notification. It was her newspaper app. She clicked on the app and the app opened. It read

“News flash, Idina Menzel voted ugliest woman in the Broadway business."

Idina couldn’t move. She thought to herself

“So I’m not wrong then, I’m genuinely ugly.”

She kept reading the words, over and over again, like a form of torture, letting each and every word sink in. The brunette threw her phone down onto the couch, The brunette put her hands on her temples of her head and started to rub them. She bagan crying, she didnt know how to proses this feelings. She knew this was comming. She just didnt expect it to be now; or here. She took a deep breathe in, as a sign of defeate. She wipped her face to get the stray tears away.

Idina moved tot he top of her dressig room, and locked the door. She turned the lights off.  She went to the bottem of the room, took one last look in the mirror that was on her wall.She couldnt really see herself much because of the dark but whe stared right into her eyes, into her soal.

 She burst into tears again, holding onto the door to keep herself up, her body just went limp, as a sign of defeat.  Her face was looking at the floor whille her eyes let out a cascade of tears, which she was unable to stop anymore. She propped her head agains the side of the door, looked into the mirror once  ore and whispered to herself

"Im done."

She shook her head, walked into the bathroom, she turned that light on. She shut the door of the bathroom,

and locked it.


The next part of this is already written. Want me to uplaod it? Or should i waittttttt?

Guys, want it now? BC IT GETS WORSE.

Thanks, comments are apressiated.

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