The Meeting

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Pyrrhia waited in one of the reading nooks(which had a sheet in front of it that acted as a curtain) in the library of Beetle Hive, where all this chaos had started. It was midnight, and she had called a Chrysalis meeting to share some information with the rest of the Chrysalis. Violet was also here. "Rio? You ok?" When Pyrrhia didn't respond, she waved a talon in front of her face. "Hello? Rio?"

"What?" Pyrrhia said, snapping back into the world when Violet clapped in her face. Pyrrhia had been constantly zoning out that evening because she could have sworn she saw things in her head like a NightWing seer. "You zoned out again." Violet said, right as Pyrrhia zoned out again. Violet grabbed her shoulders and shook her whole body. Pyrrhia snapped back into reality. "Sorry." She said, with a bit of a shudder. "I swear I just saw a dragon. She had black, leaf-shaped wings with scattered silver scales, her scales were dark green, and had a few silver spots. She also had silver scales shaped like teardrops by her eyes. Her horns were straight, and a kind of silvery color. She looked like a LeafWing-NightWing hybrid...." Pyrrhia was hit with a sudden rush of realization, but she decided not to tell. Suddenly, Delta came in, followed by the rest of the Chrysalis. "You called the meeting?" Delta asked. Pyrrhia had just zoned out again, but she snapped back into reality. "Oh! Yes. Alright. I found some information that you need to know. So I was browsing the library, and-"

"Get to the point, Rio."

"Ok. So, first of all, our interpretation of the prophecy was mostly correct. And second of all, Dragonfly has been lying to us. She said that our queens were spared, but she lied. She killed them. Also, Violet and I know about this, but have any of you ever heard of flamesilk?" Everyone was silent and looked utterly confused. That is, except for Pastel and Violet. "I do," he said. "It's when a SilkWing's silk is all fiery, and- um, Rio, are you okay?" Pyrrhia had zoned out yet again. She saw the same LeafWing/NightWing. Violet clapped in her face again. Pyrrhia slowly oozed back into the world. "Yes. Sorry. Where was I?"

"You were telling us about flamesilks." Violet answered.

"Oh! Yes, that's right. Thank you. Anyway, Queen Dragonfly has been using and exploiting flamesilk. And- you cannot tell anyone about this- I'm a flamesilk. My metamorphosis was done in private. Violet covered for me and helped me with my weaving." Everyone looked at her like she had suddenly sprouted eight heads. "You're a flamesilk?" Coconut gawked.


"Why didn't you tell any of us?"

"I don't know. I didn't want any HiveWings finding out. I still don't, so seriously. Don't tell anyone."

"We won't."

"Good." Pyrrhia cleared her throat. "So that's why I called the meeting. To tell you that."

"Ok then," Delta said, looking a little disappointed.

"Also I keep seeing dragons."




Pyrrhia sighed. "Well, if I've left out any details, I know I left the scroll somewhere around here." Delta raised a claw. "I'll take it." Pyrrhia went to retrieve the scroll. She eventually found it hidden behind some other books in the fantasy section. "Here you go," she said, tossing the scroll to Delta. Delta wasn't prepared, and it hit her in the face. "Seriously, Rio? I know you're better at throwing than that."

"Yep. I am. That was your bad." Pyrrhia said. Delta sighed as she opened the scroll. Pyrrhia glanced at the door. She continued staring at the door. There was someone outside. But it wasn't a HiveWing. It was a LeafWing. She was similar to the LeafWing-NightWing hybrid, but she looked like a normal LeafWing. She was grass green dappled with gold, and brown wings. She had several pouches around her chest and neck. She was unusually small. Violet grabbed Pyrrhia's shoulders and shook her. But this time she was still zoned out. Violet shook her again. "Rio? You still with us? Rio!" Pyrrhia was unconsciously walking toward the door where she saw the dragonet. "Rio! Snap out of it!" She didn't snap out of it. Violet grabbed her and pulled her back. "Rio, this isn't funny anymore! You're going to get spotted!" She looked her in the eye. Pyrrhia looked straight through her. "Um... guys? I think this is actually becoming a problem."

"Aren't you coming? We have a war to end!" Said the dragonet. A strangely colored SkyWing came up behind her. "Yeah. Queen Dragonfly has to be stopped." The SkyWing was a dark purplish red and had a burn scar on her leg. They may as well have been sisters, if they weren't completely different tribes. Their smiles were identical and they both had the same kind eyes. "Come on, slowpoke!" Violet dragged her back to the reading nook. "So... what now?" Violet asked. "Anyone know how to get her to snap out of it?"

"We could hit her on the head." Delta suggested.



Violet sighed and pinched Pyrrhia in the shoulder, and Pyrrhia snapped back into reality, but only for a second. "Hurry up!" The SkyWing said. Pyrrhia stood up and walked toward her. "Nope!" Violet grabbed her ankle and pulled her back. She looked her in the eye. "Pyrrhia, I need you to snap out of it right now. How are we going to explain this to the librarian?" A HiveWing came up to the LeafWing and SkyWing. "Come on. Queen Dragonfly is hunting down the other queens as we speak. We have to stop her." Pyrrhia wondered who these dragons were, and what they were doing here. Seven more dragonets joined them. They were all different tribes. "We don't have all night. Queen Dragonfly might have killed another queen in that amount of time." Said an IceWing with red talons, tailtip, underscales, and wings. "Pyrrhia, it's almost morning! You really need to snap out of it right now!" The LeafWing moved closer. "Please. It's our destiny to stop Queen Dragonfly, and we don't have time to waste." It suddenly clicked who these dragons were. She was looking at the Dragonets of Destiny. The LeafWing bowed her head. "Thank you." And then they disappeared, dropping Pyrrhia right back into reality.

This one is a bit better.

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