Why Hello, Strangers

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Leafspeaker ran through the Poison Jungle as an alternate vision hammered her brain.

Juniper and the others were walking through the Poison Jungle. LeafWing scouts were spying on them from the trees. The second Juniper looked up, LeafWings dived down from the trees and killed them all in seconds.

Even if Leafspeaker hadn't cared about her sister, she still would have saved her. For the prophecy.

But even though she had never met her sister, she cared. So she kept running. Eventually, she saw a multicolored group of dragons. But Leafspeaker didn't see a LeafWing. If fact, she saw every type of dragon except for a LeafWing. She turned around and began to walk away, but she stopped when she heard grunting and speaking.

"Almost to the top."

"That's good."

Leafspeaker turned around to see a HiveWing and a SkyWing pulling something out of the ground. It was Juniper.

Amanita appeared behind Leafspeaker. "Woah. Is that you sister?"



Leafspeaker dragged Amanita into a tree. They hid up there.

"Dragonets of Destiny, welcome to the Poison Jungle." Juniper said.

"It smells like swamp gas." Said the IceWing.

"It does not! Frostblood, if you don't like it, you can walk back through the tunnel and find the one to the Ice Kingdom."

"I'm just saying."

Leafspeaker smiled. "Nice comeback." She whispered. She finally noticed Juniper's wings. One was dragging behind her, and the other was sticking out at a weird angle. She must have been injured.

Leafspeaker checked Juniper's mind. She could see falling down a tube-no, wait-a vertical tunnel- at rapid speed, then landing, tumbling over, and falling down a chasm. Juniper's wings caught on rocks, one on her shoulder, the other knocking her wing in a dangerous position. A rock hit her on the head, and Juniper's mind moved somewhere else. Well, that explained it. The group of Dragonets walked through the jungle, and Leafspeaker and Amanita followed.

Leafspeaker could detect the LeafWing scouts stalking the Dragonets up in the trees. Just as one was about to dive out of the trees to slaughter one of the Dragonets, Leafspeaker grabbed the tail of one and flung them in the opposite direction.

What was that? Thought the SkyWing. There's someone there. Are they going to try to hurt her? She can't even fly away. I'll have to use myself... I can act like I'm trying to kill them, so that they'll target me. And then she can run.

An image of Juniper surrounded by bloodthirsty dragons flashed through her mind. Three moons. Did this dragon have a crush on Juniper or something?

Another scout. Leafspeaker flung it in the other direction.

Who's there? If they want to mess with any of us, ooh, they'll be sorry. Besides, they probably won't even be able to bring themselves to kill me.

Leafspeaker rolled her eyes at the IceWing's thoughts as another scout was flung into the trees. Leafspeaker had missed this one.

"Nice one, Amanita." She whispered.

That one sounded less graceful than the other... there must be two dragons. Thought Juniper. They both sounded like they know this place. Maybe they could help us? That is, if they aren't trying to kill us. Then... then they definitely can't help us. The war might never end.

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