Chapter 3

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"Ah!~ Ah, J-Josuke!"

Okuyasu covered his face with his arm, blushing furiously. Josuke's heart was beating out of his chest, his body was burning up. He pinned Okuyasu's arms to the bed, their faces now inches away from one another.

"No-don't hide"

He was panting, hips seeming to move on their own. Okuyasu wrapped his legs around Josuke's waist. He could feel Josuke's hot breath on his face. It made him so fucking horny.

"Ah~ R-Right there Josuke!"

Josuke kissed his best friend, their lips sliding off one another haphazardly as he thrusted deeper inside Okuyasu. Their tongues wrapped around one another; saliva dripping down the side of their faces. Josuke moved his lips away, looking at the dazed expression on the boy beneath him. Josuke knew exactly what that face meant.

"I'm cumming Josuke- AH!~ I'm gonna-"

Josuke shot his eyes open. He quickly sat up in his bed and checked the sheets.

Oh shit.

He got out of bed and immediately took the sheets off, along with his now-soaked boxers.

"Josuke! Get down here!"

He panickedly shoved the sheets into the washing machine.

"Hurry up Josuke! Your friend is here!"

Josuke's heart stopped.

"Ugh that kid, what did I say about staying up late? It's 10 am!"

Josuke could hear a gruff voice in the kitchen with his mom. He couldn't make out the words though.

"Oh sure you can sleep over. It is the weekend after all, JOSUKE GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!"

He quickly put on some jeans and practically ran down the stairs. In the kitchen stood his mom, dressed in her work clothes. She already made a pot of coffee and a large breakfast spread, and next to her, looking extremely nervous, was Okuyasu. He held a large sports bag in one hand, playing with the strings on his hoodie on the other. He looked around the kitchen, a slight blush on his cheeks.

What horrible timing

"Josuke, finally! I have an important client coming over in about 5 minutes, so I want you to stay in your room while I meet with him. Your friend can stay there too."

Josuke glanced over at Okuyasu, who quickly looked away. Josuke's heart started pounding in his chest.

I think I'm gonna throw up.

"Uh, mom, just how long is the meeting going to be?"

Tomoko poured herself a cup of black coffee and took a sip.

"Who knows? Could be the whole day. Just keep busy with something alright?"

Josuke couldn't believe it. This is the worst thing that could ever happen to him. He wanted to crawl into a ball and die.

Okuyasu walked over to Josuke and smiled shyly.

"Yo Josuke, let's do what your mom asks."

Okuyasu leaned closer to Josuke, whispering in his ear.

"I think she's gonna blow a gasket if we don't"

He started walking towards Josuke's room happily, leaving Josuke standing in the hallway flustered. He gritted his teeth.


He slowly walked back to his room to join Okuyasu. 

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