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Me, Mike, Foxy, and mangle where all sitting in kids cove trying to devise a plan of escape when the doors opened.
Two animatronics walked in, at first I could not make out who they where but then I knew exactly, Toy chica and Old Chica.

I was sitting in kids cove when the door opened. Then two animatronics walked in, great it was Toy and Old Chica. I look at Jeremy, mangle, and foxy, they all looked surprised.
"Hello" they both said walking towards me.
Foxy got in front of me.
"Young lasses leave Mikey here alone" he said.
"We aren't going to hurt you guys" old Chica whispered.
"H0w d0 w3 n0 th1s" mangle said.
"I hate Toy Freddy he says that he is the boss of us toys and he wants me to rule all the toys with him" Toy Chica said.
"And if she gets caught talking with me we both get in trouble but, if we get caught talking to you guys you might not make it" old Chica said.
"We want to help you two get out of this hell" they both said pointing at me and Jeremy.
"Why should I trust you" I said.
"Because we might be the only chance you get to get the hell out of here" Old Chica said.
They were right I guess I mean we still had Foxy and mangle.
Then we heard a voice call down the hall
"Toy Chica where are you" the voice called.
"Shit its Toy Freddy if he finds us in hear" Toy Chica said.
"W-what will he do" Jeremy stuttered.
"It's best if you don't find out" she said.
"Chica 2.0 don't play this game with me" the voice called.
"Crap he's close hide" they said.
Toy Chica found a tarp in the room and hid under it while Old Chica just stood there not knowing what to do.
"Young lass find somewhere to hide before ye gets in troubles" foxy told her.
She stood there.
"Ch1c4" mangle said.
No response.
Then Old Freddy came in.
"Why is Chica here" he asked.
"We don't know matey she walked in here and froze" foxy said.
"She dose that sometimes" he paused "but where is toy Chica" he said with a devilish smile on his face.
"We don't know" I said.
"Well that's a shame now isn't it, Toy Freddy was looking for his Chica" he replied looking at mangle.
"He wants you back in the group to but you would have to do what he says" Freddy told mangle.
"N3v3r 3v3r" she said.
"Well anyway if they are in here you will be sorry that you lied to me" he said before he walked out.
"Old Chica we need to get out now" Toy Chica said.
"I know lets go" they said.
They tried to use the door.
"Crap it's locked" they said looking at each other.
"What's going on" I asked.
"Yeah what is going on" every one besides the 2 Chicas asked.
"The two Freddy's had found out we had a chip in us that could turn us hostile and they know how to activate it with a switch" they paused "and they are going to use it here in a few" the told us.
"Shit,shit, SHIT" I said.
"We are Sor-
Hostile mode activated
"Jeremy go and hide under that tarp" I said.
"Mangle hide him" I said.
"1 w1ll gu4rd h1m w1th my l1f3" she said.
She grabbed Jeremy and the tarp in the room and hid him and her self with it on the roof.

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