9; y/n

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my consternation increased throughout the entire time i was with him.

i've clarified he's a "murderer," but what troubled me was planning what to do next.

do i report him?

confront him?

get revenge?

or keep my mouth shut?

all the possible outcomes of each situation conquered my mind, causing me to pay no attention to any of the work we were doing.

"alright, chapters one through three, done."

shocked, i looked up, "oh."

i wasn't sure what else to say but 'oh.'

three chapters in, and i have no idea what's going on in the story.

"of course, you don't have any notes."

i looked down to his lap, noticing the notebook page with plenty jots of short sentences written.

"i," i hesitated. should i really continue to fued with a man who can kill me in a matter of a hand movement?

or wouldn't he have done it already?

"i have no reason to, my memory just seems to be more advanced than yours."

he cockily smirked.

"seems like your 'memory' is pretty occupied, don't you think, y/n?"

i gulped.

what did he mean by that?

does he know that i know?

i gave him a blank stare, concealing the fright i held.

there was a brief silence, as i tried my best to refrain from any eye contact.

i checked the time on my phone:


"i should get going," i said, ruffling my sweater as i got up.

he scanned me once again, i felt his eyes burn through me.

"alright," he replied. i hung my backpack over my shoulder and nodded, awkwardly prancing out his room and closing his bedroom door behind me.

asshole could've at least walked me out.

as i reached the front door, i turned around and saw his mother washing dishes, while a man, who i assumed to be light's father, sat down and skimmed through what seemed to be a newspaper.

"goodbye mrs. yagami," i beamed out of respect, "and mr. yagami, see you guys soon!"

mrs. yagami gave me a bright smile, almost as if she was shocked by my basic manners, "see you, please, come by whenever!"

i grinned and stepped out, carefully closing the door.

i began striding down the road. daril stayed next to me, following my footsteps.

even though it's barely been a day, i was quite comfortable and casual with her presence now.

i guess the good thing about me is i'm open and easily adaptable to sudden changes, which is probably why working with light and discovering his secret hasn't made me rip my hair off yet.

although today he did begin to bother me.

the way he attempted to give commands and assert his non existent dominance over me in a way, it irked me.

only thing that bit my tongue was the death note. i needed to remain calm, maybe even become his friend.

the thought of it made me uneasy...

but i needed information about him.

as i unlocked my back door with my house key, i shut it softly, cautious of bothering my mother.

her distraught did make me feel guilty, i wasn't completely heartless.

but she was just as miserable with that pathetic excuse of a boyfriend.

in a way, i was doing her a favor.

not like she cared regardless.

"wh-where were you," i heard her from the kitchen.

i sighed.

"i was studying," i replied with a faint voice.

"with, with," her words slurred, "with who!"

i began taking steps up my stairs, avoiding any more conversation. i knew where this was going.

"a friend, we have a projec-"

she slammed her glass cup filled with god knows what onto the table, which caused me to slightly jump.

"always running to these boy's houses, what have you been doing y/n! you think your future husband would like to know you're a whore?"

she raised her voice. my throat felt heavy, like there was a knot. i was holding back my tears.

i do consider myself to be a sensitive person, but no one can make me cry like my mother.

"project," i finished.

"LIAR," she roared, "you're a dirty liar. you lied about ken, tried to make me leave him all because you were jealous! now you're lying about what you're doing! i can see right through those big innocent eyes of yours."

her yells echoed through my head. my eyes began burning, i ran into my room and put a chair against my door.

she was drunk, it was clear, but the fact that she still insists that i'm lying about ken molesting me saddened me the most.

i fell to my bad and weeped, burying my head into my pillow to prevent any sound.

i couldn't do it.

couldn't take it anymore.

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