13; y/n

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i fucking hated him.

why did he have to kiss me?

i wanted to be his friend. not have him fucking kiss me.

the part i hated, wasn't entirely the fact that he kissed me.

it's the feeling i had when he did.

how i froze when his cold hand met my thigh, the double beat my heart produced, the way my stomach curled, how my hands started to tingle, how all my pride and dignity went straight out the fucking window.

i can't do this. i can't be his "friend."

i knew i had to take further measures. i had to get information on L, and what he needed.

i must have light yagami wrapped around my finger.


i read over my email for the third time, assuring that it was perfectly well written.

after hours of research and "illegal" activities, i managed to find plenty of information on L.

including the fact that Ryuga Hideki  has also enrolled for the college entry exams.

that's another thing i had above light: my connections.

my father's role in japan's education systems, and the knowledge i inherited after constantly being surrounded by computers. 

it all adds up to benefit.

however, i haven't quite used them to my advantage, up until now.

after completing my last revise over the email, i hit the send button, blankly staring at my computer screen for the next 15 seconds.

"aren't you afraid this will lead ryuga to discover the death note?" daril questioned.

"no," i exited out of my email tab, "i didn't mention the death note, or any possible scenario that could be related to it. i know what i'm doing."

"oh," daril responded, "alright then."

i got up from my bed, and briskly took off my skirt, replacing it with black sweatpants that rested in my dresser.

i softly opened my door, refraining from making any noise, as I went down my stairs.

i grabbed my mother's car keys, leaving my house from the back door.

"where to?"

"food," i replied to daril, "this is making me stress-hungry!"

i started the car and got in, beginning to back out, then drive onto the road.

i started to rethink my choices.

am i wrong for contacting L?

i mean, i killed a man, too. in retrospect, i'm no better than light. what light is doing, is just as justified as my own actions.

we both killed people who "deserved" to die.

but in reality, who decides if they deserve it? is it ever reasonable for one to lose their life?

my thoughts made the drive go by relatively quick, as i was already pulling into the cafe parking lot.

i parked the car, and entered the fun-sized cafe. i made my way to the counter to order my food.

"hi, could i have the large latte regular, a lightly toasted avocado bagel, 4 green tea cookies, 1 slice of cake roll, and mizu yokan, please!"

the barista shot me a critical, puzzled mien, "oh, that'd be 3550 yen."

rather embarrassed, i handed her the money, and waited patiently to the side for my food.

"i'm assuming that you're very fond of this cafe," daril snickered.

i smiled and nodded, avoiding speaking to her in public.

after going back and forth, from the counter, to my table to place the food, i finally sat inside of the comfortable booth.

i took a large sip of my latte, allowing the hot liquid to relax me.

i noticed daril standing there, analyzing my every move as i indulged my meal. it made me fairly uncomfortable, as i don't like people staring at me as i eat like i've never been fed, but it didn't entirely disturb my peace.

what did disturb my peace, though, was my phone vibrating from an email notification.

"i appreciate your enlightenment of kira, and would wish to voice call with you. please contact me soon again, so we can arrange it.

- L."

hi guys!!! so first, i am VERY sorry for not updating in like, 10 years. after randomly moving cities, switching schools, adjusting to a totally new life, the past few months have been beyond stressful for me, giving me a huge writer's block. i will try my very best to continue consistently update, pls just bear with me ):

and i know this chapter is short, just a filler for now!!!!

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