To the shore we go

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That night for the first time Scarlett felt it hard to sleep and when she finally did sleep, a nightmare embraced her. As she kept climbing the mountain, a rock came tumbling at her. She was crushed to crumbs. A dream she hadn't dreamt for many days appeared to her. She suddenly woke up in the frenzy, accompanying already awake Zen.

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From this very moment, after exactly seven sleepless nights of torment, now Scarlett and Zen sat on a boat ready to sail off to Blue Hill with a mission under their sleeves.
They were talking final words with Opeul. He hugged them and said, "Fight like a warrior, conquer the little mission!"

They had spent a week plotting a solid plan. Zen with other islanders did the fieldwork of researching the distance and landmarks for hiding while Scarlett with Opeul's assistance steered witty plans. Nights became days and days became nights. And finally, they were setting off to execute the plan before the sun warmed the waters.

Zen, Scarlett and a sailor were in one boat, while three other boats followed them from the back. They were to pretend to fish until the time of their action came.

The adventure began.

Zen gazed into her solid eyes, he bit back a pang of incredible pain as he said this, "remember, we rinse out our last breadth together!" He closed his eyes for a second. "It is us, even when the light burns and darkness creeps!"

Scarlett squeezed his hand. His hands had become so familiar that she could distinguish among a thousand hands.
She fell short of words as uncertainty controlled their game of life. She uttered a prayer of supplication to the Lord.
"Pray Zen! Whatever happens, I will stay with you!"
She was suddenly overcome by courage, "we are striving for a  good deed and not for a parody of destruction!"

Well, the adventure began.

Blue hill mounted before them. As planned they got down on the shore, the mist of dawn sealed their vision. Zen planted a crimson flag on the shore and they moved into the island. Behind the huge piles of discarded slag, they hid.

The boats scattered around at a good distance and were pretending to fish until the loud crash was heard.

Zen and Scarlett kept cat steps towards the mainland. Zen held the weapon safe in his coat pocket. A crooked house came into view. They tugged behind the walls and knew exactly the place to drop the bomb. The other side of the wall had folding chairs and an umbrella planted on the sand. A huge boat docked at the south shore. Scarlett was peaking into the house through a small ventilation hole they had already taken note of. She found a security guard snoring roughly. Zen nudged Scarlett to share the sight of such a brutal scene- pale kids paraded out of the boats. The young kids with shovels were seen walking towards them. They were as pale and stiff as a white sheet.

Giant humans with arms hauled around them. Zen pulled the bolt out and pressed the button of the devicd. He threw it inside the house. The timer was kept for 10 minutes because it was observed that the kids would reach the north end, that is, the mining ground in 8 to 10 minutes. All these activities were perfectly tracked and recorded for a week.

"They are walking quicker than I thought!" Scarlett said whispering lighter than air.

"Let's go back the same way we entered." He pulled out a paper that had rough directions scribbled on. "To the north. Ten minutes on the clock. Let's go!" They again walked back to the place they had come from but only to reach a different place- there wasn't any flag shivering in the wind.

Both gasped in fear. Scarlett's adrenaline rush doubled in seconds. "Zen! We are lost!" They desperately looked around. Everything looked the same for his 13 minutes old memory. Zen kept his calm and patiently looked around again. He found the flag disguised on the sunburnt sand.

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