Chapter One.

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Evans point of view.
I walked into the school with my hot girlfriend by my side and my bestfriends. We walked to my locker and stood around it talking about how our summer went.

"Wooo seniors this year man! I can't wait to leave this dump." My friend Troy explained.

"Hell yeah fuck this place." My other friend Zach agreed.

"Yeah I can't wait to focus more on my channel when we graduate." I mentioned.

"Oh yeah I saw last night's video and it was hilarious babe! Your online friends are so cool." My girlfriend Tabitha swooned.

"I wonder where Y/n's at." Troy mentioned.

"I bet you she's already crying in the bathroom." Tabitha giggled.

Y/n is the nerd of the school. Always does her schoolwork never goes to parties and always the odd one out with her dopey friends. She always wears her long brown hair in a braid and wears her glasses and fuzzy sweaters. She's really weird.

I looked around for someone who knows her and I spotted this dweeb named Josh.

"Hey, asshole over here." I called out.

Josh looked around and he pointed at himself.

"Yeah you dummy." I rolled my eyes.

Josh hesitantly approached us.

"W-what?" He stuttered.

"Where's Y/n?" I asked.

His face turned fearful at hearing her name. I gave a confused look toward him as he shook his head.

"Uh, uh..." He stumbled.

"Spit it out boy we don't have all day!" Zach yelled.

Josh then looked over and his eyes widen. He then ran away scared out of his mind.

Confused we all looked over in the direction he was looking and we saw Y/n dressed in black with a leather jacket. Her hair was cut shoulder length and silver. Her makeup was on dark and heavy and she had many piercings and a dead look on her face.

We smiled at her attempt to look cool as for she'll never match are level. She approached us and immeadialty had an annoyed look on her face.

"Move." She said strongly.

My jaw dropped, does she not remember that we kick her ass?

"Excuse you?" Tabitha mumbled.

"You heard her, she said move." One of her friends, who were also dressed in black repeated.

"Hm, that's cute little Y/n is trying to be tough. Well we aren't moving." Troy spat.

All Y/n did was shrug her shoulders and grabbed Troy by his arm and flung him behind her making him skid across the floor. She then approached her locker and opened it, placing her books inside.

We were all taken aback by her actions, she's never this brave.

"You can't just fucking do that you whore!!" Zach yelled at her.

She looked up into Zachs eyes with the same dead expression she's had since she walked in here. "Well I just did." She said slamming her locker. "What are you going to do about it?" She taunted.

Fear started to spread across his face he then kept his mouth shut as for he doesn't want to end up like Troy and hurting on the ground.

"That's what I thought." She spat and walked away with her friends.

High-school Sweethearts Evan x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now