Chapter Seven.

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Your point of view.
I was laying in bed not feeling well at all. If I could just not be a woman that would be absolutely wonderful. As I laid in bed I heard the doorbell ring. I didn't move because I know either my mom or my dad would get the door. I heard muffled talking but it wasn't anything serious. I then heard a knock on my bedroom door. I rolled my eyes. "Come in." I lazily called out.

To my surprise it was Evan. I was actually real happy to see him, if it was Joan I would've jumped out of my window.

"Hey Evan, what are you doing here?" I asked as I sat up in my bed.

"I uh, came here to give you this." He said as he extended his arm out to hand me a bag.

I cautiously grabbed the bag and chuckled. "Okay?" I questioned.

"Open it!" Evan said excitedly as he took a seat next to me.

I reached into the bag and pulled out the tissue paper and I immeadiatly spotted the stuffed seal. I squealed and pulled it out to hold it close to me.

"Evaaaannn!" I said happily.

"There's more." He said with a big smile on his face.

I reached in the bag and grabbed out my favorite candy. My eyes lit up, I really was craving this.

I reached back into the bag because I felt something else when I went for the candy. I pulled out a picture frame with Evan and I in it from the first time we ever hung out together. Tears threatened my eyes as I saw the photo.

"Wait.. this is so sweet." I said softly.

"Read what's on the frame." Evan instructed shyly.

I squinted my eyes to look at the frame which made Evan roll his eyes. He got up off the bed and went to my desk to grab my glasses that were sitting there. He walked back over to me and handed me my glasses. I smiled as I took my glasses from him and placed them on my face. I panned my focus back on the frame.

"Y/n will you go to prom.. with me?" I muttered out.

My eyes widened at Evan who had the biggest smile on his face.

"Me?" I questioned.

He nodded.

I looked behind me to make sure he wasn't talking to nobody else. I looked back at him and pointed at myself.

"Me??" I questioned again.

Evan started to laugh and he nodded again.

"Jeez.. I- I don't know what to say." I said still in shock.

"Well, you could say yes, hell yes, yeah, sure or no." Evan listed.

"Alright smartass." I giggled.

Silence grew between us, I then flashed him a smile.

"Yeah, I'll go to prom with you Evan." I smiled.

Evan pumped his fist up in the air making me giggle.

"Damn, I've never seen anyone so happy to go anywhere with me." I almost joked.

Evan placed his hands on my shoulders which made me look up at him.

"I want you to have a prom, I can't believe you've never been to one." He said in disbelief.

I shrugged and gave a half smile.

"Yeaah, they're just not my thing but at least I'm happy I'm not going alone." I smiled.

High-school Sweethearts Evan x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now