Chapter Eleven.

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Your point of view.
I walked into school with people teasing me about liking Evan. I guess they got that wild idea from me not speaking to him anymore after his stupid shenanigan.

"Whats the matter Y/n? Sad because Evan didn't want your gross ass?" One of the cheerleaders taunted.

I chuckled at the remark. "Oh please, wanting Evan was never on my list." I smiled as I kept walking to my locker.

"Everybody would love to be with Evan don't lie!" She egged.

I shrugged my shoulders. "You guys know I'm weird, I have no appeal to Evan what so ever." I truthfully responded.

I guess my answer weirded her out so she walked off. I stopped at my locker to grab a few things but couldn't help but to feel eyes on me. I looked around the halls and found my culprit, Evan. Evan was looking at me with sad eyes, it was pissing me off.

"If you keep looking at me Fong we are going to have an issue." I threatened.

His eyes widened at my threat whereas Tabitha was cussing at me. Evan placed his hand on Tabitha to get her to stop. I grabbed what I needed out of my locker and shut it.

Today is going to be a brutal one. I thought as I walked to my class.
Evans point of view.
"GOSH! I can't believe she said that to you!" Tabitha expressed angrily.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I kind of deserve it, it's no big deal." I sighed.

"She really turned you into a softie Evan! Beat her stupid ass." Tabitha demanded.

I shook my head which made her angrily sigh. "Well whatever, you need to talk to them." She said pointing behind me.

I turned to see what she was pointing at and it was Troy and Zach.

I shook my head. "Nah they're good." I replied.

Tabitha rolled her eyes and called the pair over to us. They were hesitant but came over anyways.

"What do you guys want?" Zach sighed.

"We were wondering if you wanna ditch the outcast for Evan and I again?" Tabitha said as she gripped onto my arm.

Both Zach and Troy glanced at eachother and back at us. "No." They said in unison.

I wasn't shocked but Tabitha went off.

"What do you mean no?" She hissed.

"It means no stupid." Troy shot.

"Don't you guys miss your popularity!?" Tabitha exclaimed.

"Not really, no." Zach responded.

"Well Why's that? What does those nerds do for you?" She spat.

"Those nerds are actual friends, that's what they do for us." Zach shrugged.

"Yeah, something that we saw but Evan didn't is that when you're down, bored or just lonely they're all there for you in their own little way." Troy expressed.

"Yeah! Like Joan would show you her teeth collection or Lucas would play Legos with you." Zach explained.

"Or Natalie would go flower picking with you and Thomas will talk to you for hours about conspiracy theories." Troy added.

"But more importantly Y/n would take you on an adventure and hear every word you speak to her. She'd calm your nerves or lift you up when you need it, they all do." Zach mentioned.

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