Chapter Three.

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Evans point of view.
I did everything Y/n suggested me to do to relieve my stress, and I can honestly say it's like magic. I haven't spoken to much of anyone the last ten days and I've really gotten down to doing things that I love to do. I made videos with my friends, practice my hocking playing and even played music on my guitar. I haven't texted Y/n much unless she texted me to check on me to see how I was doing. I admitted to her days ago that I may have depression over my popularity and she said she already knew that which is crazy. All the things that are helping me not be stressed is really making me super happy.

I noticed that Tabitha hasn't spoken to me since I got suspended but I'm not too worried about it, she probably knows that I need my space. I can't really say that I love Tabitha as for she really drains me, but she's good to have around when I'm lonely, which all and all isn't good.

Tomorrow I go back to school to see them all anyways as long with Y/n. Y/n and I decided to keep our friendship under wraps seeing that we aren't so much as friends but are acquaintances and I believe that's where that stays. I sighed and stopped strumming my guitar, I should really get to sleep. I put up my guitar and took off my shirt. I then climbed into bed, set a few alarms, got comfy and fell fast asleep.
Your point of view.
The next morning I woke up because I unfortunately have to go back to school. I'm not so much dreading it today as I usually am because I know Evan and his friends aren't going to fuck with me, at least I hope not. I showered, brushed my teeth and my hair, got dressed then I grabbed my book bag and walked down to the front door.

"Alright guys I'm off." I called out to my parents who were sitting in the kitchen.

"Okay sweetie have a good day!" My mom cheered.

"Yes, and stay out of trouble." My dad grumbled.

I chuckled and walked out the front door to my car and drove to school. When I got to school I parked my car, grabbed my bookbag, stepped out of my car and closed the door and locked it. I started to make my way to the school and entered the double doors leading me into the main part of the hall. As soon as I got closer to where my locker is I heard yelling.

Confused, I turned the corner to see Evan yelling at Tabitha who was clinging on to another man, my jaw dropped in disbelief.

"How could you do this to me Tabs!?" Evan exclaimed.

"Yyeeaaahh listen Evan, I can't be with a guy who was beaten up by a girl, I like men not boys." She scoffed.

Evan got fed up and turned around to walk away until he spotted me.

"You!!" He said through gritted teeth.

My eyes widened and I looked behind me then looked back at him and smiled.

"This is your fucking fault! I wish you never existed!" Evan yelled at me as he blew passed me out the double doors.

With my eyes still wide, I was still very unbothered. My friends came up behind me and asked if I was okay. I let them know Evan and I bonded over our two week vacation and was making sure I wasn't hurt.

"Nah. I'm fine but I do have a plan for that skank Tabitha." I smirked.

Smiles spread across their faces and fist bumped. "Yeeeaah can't wait to see what you have planned." Natalie giggled.

"Whatever it is we want in." I heard a familiar voice say.

I turned around to see Troy and Zach standing there. "What made you two come around?" I asked.

"Evan said you aren't that bad of a person and not to bully you anymore, but we hate Tabitha as much as the next guy. What can we do?" They asked eagerly.

I smirked. "I'll let you know, at the end of the day, meet me at the bleachers, all of you. I'll have a brilliant plan brewed up by then." I ordered.

They all nodded and went our separate ways to our classrooms.
Today was a breeze, It's already the last class of the day and I've came up with a sinister plan to ruin Tabithas day. As soon as that last bell rang my friends and I met up at the bleachers located next to the football field where I told them to be. During lunch I told Zach and Troy to find the most vile smelling meat they can find and bring it back here.

What's going to happen is we hired one of the other bad kids to dress up in a mask and he's going to dump the bucket of rotted meat all on Tabitha, meaning it'll ruin her cheer uniform. The rest of us will be watching from the stands and recording our beautiful plan.

I felt my phone vibrate and I rushed to check it.

Troy: Miss boss lady the meat is in the bucket and it smells bad just like you asked. Owen is in place so if you see a shirtless chubby kid run out on the field with a dinosaur head on, that's him."

I chuckled at the message and sent him and thumbs up. I received another message soon after.

Zach: We're sending him now, get your cameras ready!

I quickly opened my camera app and told the rest to do the same. As the cheerleaders are going their practice one of them spotted Owen coming at them at full speed with a plastic bucket in hand. All the girls were laughing and poking fun at the 'mysterious man' until he approached Tabitha and dumped the rancid meat all over her. The smell was so bad Tabitha barfed and so did everyone around her.

Owen however did not get caught. He ran off quicker than the speed of light. He also took the bucket so they wouldn't scan for finger prints. Aahh what luck working with a felon.

Tabitha ended up crying her eyes out and still throwing up all over the place. I ended the recording and signaled everyone to come on. We left the football field and out to our cars.

"What now?" Thomas asked.

"Let's go to that new diner to eat!" Joan gushed.

Everyone was game but me. "Whats wrong Y/n? Don't wanna come?" Troy asked.

"I'll meet you guys there, I have an Evan to try and make feel better." I said as I unlocked my car.

Everyone understood and I drove off in hopes Evan doesn't actually hate me for Tabitha dumping him.

Hey guys, late delay I know. Turns out I have a mild concussion hence my headaches lol

I actually wrote this ending early on in the day but then my neighbor went methy on us and I had to set him straight... then I took a very long nap because of my head :3 anyways I hope you all enjoy this chapter and I hope you're staying safe out there! As always happy reading <3

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