Chapter Six.

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Your point of view.
Today I decided to wear my glasses in the first time in forever since Evan says he really wants to see the look. I walked into school to find Joan, Lucas, Natalie and Thomas standing in a circle. I walked over to them and they gave me a big smile.

"Good morning Y/n!" Lucas said.

"Meeehh, why are you so happy?" I questioned.

"Because prom is coming up! Duuuh??" Joan informed.

Ick, prom. I stopped going after middle school.

"Okay?" I questioned.

"Uuhh aren't you going??" Natalie pushed.

"Nope." I said popping the p.

"Whaaaat? But Y/n! It's the last prom of our lives." Thomas said.

I shrugged my shoulders.

"You haven't been to a single prom since high-school started Y/n! Don't you want to feel the magic?" Lucas asked.

"That's because I don't want to go alone, it's cool going alone when in middle school because you're looked at as empowered and what not. When you go to prom single in high-school let alone your senior year you're looked at as a hopeless romantic." I explained.

"What if you go with someone?" Thomas pushed.

"Doubt anyone would want to go with me, I'm spooky." I chuckled.

Evan, Troy and Zach walked up to us and greeted us.

"Hey guys! Why the long faces?" Troy asked.

"Y/n doesn't want to go to prom because she doesn't want to go alone." Joan pouted.

"I don't blame her, I wouldn't want to go alone this year either." Zach defended.

"Yeah but she hasn't been to a prom at all through highschool!" Natalie whined.

The three boys turned to look at me in shock.

"You haven't been at all?" Troy asked in disbelief.

I shook my head no.

"See? We've always had this plan for all of us to go in matching colors and look badass!" Lucas exclaimed.

"Well, what if somebody asks you?" Evan asked.

I shrugged. "If someone who I can stand being around for a night asks me to go with them, I would." I confessed.

The first bell of the day rang and we headed off to our classrooms.

Good God I hope no one asks me.
Evans point of view.
"I'm thinking about asking her." I said to Troy and Zach.

"Duuudee that'll be so cool! How do you think you'll ask her?" Zach asked.

"Not sure yet I do want to ask her today though." I admitted. 

"Make her a sign maybe?" Troy suggested but I shook my head.

"Naahh too simple like I want to wow her when I ask her so she'd wanna go." I said.

"Kidnap her, she can never say no to a good kidnapping." Zach joked.

We walked to our desk and sat down.

"I'll think of something, you guys just wait." I smiled.
As soon as school ended I met up with the group to chat for a second.

High-school Sweethearts Evan x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now