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"You can't keep me here forever, you know that right?" Alani said while tugging at the ropes

"I can and I will" Mary said and looked at her phone

"You're gonna rot in prison once I'm found"

Mary laughed at the comment, the fact that Alani thought she'd ever see the daylight was hilarious to her. Mary was planning on never letting Alani breathe near Luca ever again, including the growth that was inside her, she didn't want anyone getting in the way.

The plan was, once Luca came to "save" Alani, she was gonna kill both Alani and the baby in front of her and force Luca to either join them or be with her for the rest of his life.

"Let me tell you something Alani" Mary pulled a stool in front of her and sat down

"You're not the first girl I've done this too and most definitely won't be the last and the best of all" Mary got closer to Alani's face

"I've never been caught" Mary tapped Alani on the nose

Alani spit in Mary's face who her cause Mary to react in disgust and backhand her, metallic flavor started to spread on Alani's tongue.

"You're so damn lucky, I would of killed you right here" Mary wiped her face.

"Luca will never want you, you're related to him you disgusting bitch! Get your head checked"

"You know, you talk big for someone who's tied up right now with their life in my hands" Mary pulled out her phone and side eyed her

"Untie me and I'll show you that I'm not all talk" Alani challenged.

"Nice try, never gonna happen now be a good girl and die quickly please" Mary left Alani down in the basement, lit a cigarette and paced around her home.

'Your time is running out Luca, wait too long and you'll lose everything' she pressed send and continued to smoke her cigarette.


"Ugh, where am I?" Aaliyah asked while she held her head and tried to sit up, but couldn't.

"Mommy!" Mason yelled and ran to her bed, but stopped in his track because he didn't want to hurt her and cause pain once he hugged her.

Luna and Luca dropped Mason off with Luke and Lauren, so they would be able to think of a plan together without having to keep Mason calm. Luna thought it was best that he went to the hospital with them, so, he wouldn't feel alone.

"Aaliyah, you have a concussion from blunt force trauma. Try to take it easy" Lauren said

"Blunt force? What happened?" Aaliyah asked with a confused expression.

"You don't remember what happened?" Luke asked

Aaliyah slowly shook her head, she couldn't remember anything today that led up to her being hit in the head.

"You were hit in the head, tied up and left in your own home and Alani was kidnapped" Lauren explained

"KIDNAPPED?!" Aaliyah yelled, she quickly sat up and then regretted once the pain hit her.

"Calm down, we're working on finding her" Lauren said and lightly pushed Aaliyah back down

"You don't understand, I can't calm down. She's my only daughter, I can't have anymore kids" Aaliyah started to tear up.

"On top of that, she has my only grandchild, please find her"

Lauren felt a peng in her heart, she never knew how it was to lose a child but all of Aaliyah's emotions hit her like Alani was her child.

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