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For @Cashmoneyyy22 ❤️
"Lance, I still think you're going to far. He's our son! Our own flesh and blood, we can't do this to him" Luna fussed at her husband.

"Luna, this is for his own good! He's unstable, he nearly killed someone. If he corporates, they won't have to harm him. But, if he doesn't, it's fair game" he responded back

"You're making a huge mistake Lance, a big one" .

The police and detective left their household, just as they did. Mary was walking in.

"Hello, my dear brother" she smiled and gave him a hug, Luna glared at her. She was the reason why their son, was going through this.

"Luna" Mary calmly said and held her arms out.

"I'll be in the kitchen" she ignored Maria, side eyed her husband and left.

Lance let out a long sigh and sat on the couch, if his son would of just stayed at the facility and got help like he was supposed to. None of this would of happened.

"Don't worry, Luca will be found. And if not, I'll search for him myself. My nephew is somewhere" she took a seat next to him.

"Mary, did you ever touch Luca?" Lance asked

Luna stuck her head out and watched them have a conversation, hoping that Mary would confess to doing it and all of this could stop and she'll be thrown in prison.

Mary went silent for a second, thinking of something to say to her dear brother. Knowing, no matter what. He'll believe her over his own son, she smirked at the fact he was stupid.

"No, I didn't. Whatever he told you, were lies" she answered.

"You're a liar!" Luna stormed out the kitchen and walked up to Mary.

"You touched my son, and because of you. His own father wants him dead!" She yelled at Mary, but it didn't phase her.

"Luna! That's enough, she didn't do anything and our son is a liar" Lance glared.

"Our other children even seen her touch Luca! Stop letting her get away with this and throw her in prison where she belongs!"

Mary shook her head, got up and grabbed her things.

"I will be leaving, I'm not wanted here. I hope you find Luca" Mary said and left.

"I can't believe you're believing her over our children" Luna grabbed her keys and headed for the door.

"Where are you going Luna?!" Lance yelled

"To find my son, before you, the police, and Mary find him, and when I do. I'm getting a divorce!" She yelled back and left.

Lance let out a big sigh and rubbed his face, not only was he losing his child, he lost his wife as well. Over something Luca couldn't prove to be true.


The sound of a knock caused Lauren to answer the door, that day. Her and her brother were figuring out how to keep their father away from Luca.

"Mom?" Lauren asked

"I know you and Luke know where Luca is, and I promise this isn't for your father. It's for me, he believed Mary" Luna told truthfully.

"He's always believing her!" Lauren stated, she let her mother in and shut the door.

Luke came out of the kitchen with a couple of snacks and two waters.

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