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When Luca woke up, the first thing he saw was a missing Alani. He quickly sat up and looked around the room making sure his eyes took in every part of the room, where could she have gone? She couldn't of gotten far right? Why would she leave the company of her own home?

Luca started to worry, his mind ran wild with thoughts. Did he scare her away? Did he do something last night? Surely he didn't, maybe him having a breakdown in the bathroom is what caused her to leave him by himself. A part of him was hurt that she left, he liked having her next to him.

She's gone! She probably went to go tell the police on us you idiot!

The voice said with nothing but anger, Luca curled his legs up and held his head. She wouldn't tell the cops would she? No, that's just something the voices want him to think. He trusted Alani, even though, he only knew her for a short amount of time. He felt like he's known her forever, and it was amazing for that feeling to take over him. Those were the thoughts that he liked.

The sound of the door to the bathroom opening made him turn his head, Alani walked out with her tooth brush in her hand. Luca got up from the bed and gave her a big hug.

"Please don't leave me again" he said while playing in her hair

"I'm sorry Luca, I had to use the bathroom and get freshen up" she smiled and hugged him back.

Luca let go of her and looked at her beautiful smile, the smile that made him feel better. The smile that he knew he could trust no matter how bad of a person he is or how bad the situation is.

"Matter of fact, since you're up. How about you go freshen up, I found more clothes for you to put on." Alani walked passed Luca and into the closet. She grabbed a wash cloth, new clothes for Luca to wear and cane back into the room.

"Here you go" she said and handed him the items. Luca nodded his head and headed into the bathroom, closed the door and locked it and set the items onto the toilet lid.

"I'll be downstairs in the kitchen cooking breakfast" she said through the door, she put her toothbrush up, walked out of the room, downstairs to the kitchen while Luca was doing his morning routine.

The bathroom was much better and much more cleaner than the bathrooms at the mental facility, the shower was bigger and the floors were shiny. He felt more comfortable here then anywhere else, he rubbed his hands together and let out a breath.

He looked at the clothes and thought for a moment, he really liked the clothes he had on. He pushed the clothes off of the toilet seat and onto the ground, he wanted to keep the clothes he had.

Taking off his favorite clothes, he neatly folds them and set them on the toilet seat. He looked into the mirror and rubbed his face a bit, cocking his head to the side he seen a little handle on the mirror. Not thinking he squeezed the handle and pulled open the mirror revealing the content inside of it.

His vision saw womanly products, pads, tampons, face wash, etc. Luca blushed at the sight and felt a little embarrassed for snooping around and almost breaking things. His heart beat sped up a bit, thinking that the mirror was actually broken and not going to go back in place. He gently pushed the mirror back in place and heard a small snap, he let go of the mirror and studied it, making sure it was closed again.

Luca grabbed his wash cloth, walked away from the skin and walked over to the big shower, turning it on, he stuck his hand under the water making sure it was the right temperature before getting in.

He saw the bottle of body wash sitting on the side of the tub, he grabbed it, opened it and smelt it. His heart instantly warmed up when he recognized the smell. It's smelt exactly like Alani, he chuckled a bit before getting another whiff of the scent. Squirting the liquid onto the cloth, he gently washed his body with the fruity substance.

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