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Alani jumped out of her sleep due to the sound of glass breaking, she slowly got out of her bed and grabbed the metal bat that was sitting next to her bed. She quietly opened her bedroom door and made her way downstairs.

She tiptoed to the kitchen and poked her head in, to see a tall, tan, bleached blonde haired guy standing in her kitchen. Her eyes scanned over his backside before landing on the bloody needle in his hand.

She let out a loud gasp which caused Luca's light hazel eyes land on her light chocolate ones, Alani tightly held the bat.

"Please, I can explain don't hurt me" Luca dropped the needle and held both of his hands up in the air.

"What are you doing in my house?!" She semi-yelled. She stepped backwards and got a better look at him, his whole outfit was covered in blood and his face. What if he was a murderer and came to kill her next?

"I- I needed a place to go, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to harm anyone. I just wanna get home" Luca's voice started to cracked

Alani waited and thought for a few seconds before slowly dropping her bat, she walked up towards Luca, who had covered his face with his bloody hands.

"Hey, Hey It's okay" she reached out to touched him, but Luca backed up.

"Do-dont touch me" He looked at Alani with teary eyes.

"My name is Alani what's yours?" She looked at him and gently smiled, she knew what to do with people who were in distress. Her younger brother was the same way as Luca.

Luca looked at Alani and studied her face to see if she was pulling a joke on him. When he eventually figured out that she was genuinely trying to make a friend out of him, he smiled back.

"Luca, my name is Luca and I'm sorry for scaring you" he looked at the ground.

"It's okay, do you wanna tell me what happened Luca?" Alani took another step closer to him, to get a closer look at his face. His face was full of blood that didn't look like his blood and sweat.

"I- I hurt someone, but I didn't mean to they made me do it!" He looked at Alani and rubbed his face, smearing the blood and sweat.

"I know, let's get you cleaned up okay?" She held her hand out and waited for him to take it.

Luca shook his head. "I don't want to get you dirty" he smiled a little. Alani chuckled a bit and nodded.

"Well, follow me" she walked out of the kitchen,back upstairs and into the bathroom. She turned around to make sure Luca was behind her and let him come into the bathroom with her.

"You should clean up and I'll find you some clothes to wear okay?" Luca nodded and began taking his clothing off, Alani turned around and waited for him to get in the shower. When Luca closed the shower curtain, she quickly turned around and grabbed his clothes and threw them into the hamper and left the bathroom.

Luca allowed the hot water to run through his hair, he watched as the blood fell into the drain. He washed his chest and his face, the memories of what happened started to flood his mind.

She's gonna turn you in you fucking idiot!

She's scared of us and it's all your fault

Everything is always his fault, it's his fault that we were even sent to that facility

The voices grew louder and louder, reminding him of what happened and how it happened and why it happened.

He shook his head violently and held it, he wanted to scream back at them, he wanted to bang his head against the wall until they eventually stopped talking. He didn't know what to do and it was mentally exhausting him.

"No, you guys made me do it, it's your fault not mine! No, no, no!" He screamed out, turned the shower off, moved the shower curtain, and stumbled out of the shower.

Alani heard him yell and immediately ran back into the bathroom to see a naked,wet and scared Luca rocking back and forth while on the toilet seat.

"It's not my fault, it's not my fault" he kept saying, he completely tuned out the real world and listened to his voices.

"Luca, can you hear me?" Luca looked up at her and quickly got up off of the toilet seat. He rubbed the water off of his face and hugged himself.

Alani eyes traveled over his body, she couldn't believe she had a naked stranger who could possibly be a murder in her house, she swallowed hard and locked eyes with him.

"Everything is okay, okay? Here" she said and handed him a towel. He gently took the towel and dried himself off, looked at the hamper and placed the towel in it.

"I found a shirt and a pair of men's pajama pants, see if they fit okay?" She handed him the clothes and turned around and waited for him to get dressed. She thought to herself a bit.

"Luca, Whatever you did, it was an accident okay? I forgive you for it" Luca put the shirt on and nodded.

"You do?" He asked

Alani turned around and smiled at him.

"Yes, I do forgive you. I will always forgive you" Luca gave her a tight hug, her scent traveled into his nostrils which made him smile big, she smelt like watermelons and kiwis.

Alani wrapped her arms around him and patted his back, Luca let go of her and looked at her.

"Thank you, you're the only one who believes me"

Alani gave him one more smile before yawning.

"You can sleep on the couch tonight and tomorrow you can tell me what happened" Alani began to walk out the room before she was stopped.

"I-I don't wanna sleep alone, bad things happen when I sleep alone" he played with his fingers and looked around.

Alani's heart smiled and she held out her hand.

"You can come sleep in the bed with me" Luca hesitated at first, but gently took her hand. Alani lead him out of the bathroom and into her bed room.

"You sleep on that side and I sleep on this side" Luca nodded and laid down on the right side of the bed and Alani walked over to the left and got into the bed.

Luca head instantly sunk into the pillow, the bed he was now on was way better than the bed at the mental facility. This bed was much more comfy and the pillows were amazing, he wanted to go to sleep as soon and he laid down. But, he couldn't for some reason, he wanted to tell the woman next to him goodnight. He worked up his courage and turned his head towards her.

"Goodnight Alani" he smiled hoping she would say it back. He heard her giggle a little.

"Goodnight Luca" he looked up at the ceiling and counted sheep, it was a method his mom taught him when he was little and couldn't go to sleep. When Luca got to his 15th sheep his eyes began to droop, his body started to relax and he went to sleep

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