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"Please, I need to eat I'm pregnant, my child is starving" Alani cried out, it's been 3 months since Mary kidnapped her and she started too lose faith in being found.

The only thing that Mary would feed Alani were cold ham sandwiches and water, she missed her kitchen, her home, her floors and Luca

No matter what she did, Mary always seemed to one up her and throw her back into the crummy basement, tied to a pole like a untrained pit bull

"Would you and that bastard quiet down, you're starting to annoy me!" Mary yelled

"Then put us out of our misery please" Alani said quietly

"Where's the fun in that?" Mary chuckled

Alani slowly looked up at Mary and gave her a scowl, the sight of Mary made her nauseous and it had nothing to do with her pregnancy. How could someone be this deranged and not be noticed? Everyone had their focuses on Luca when Mary was the true psychopath.

"Why the long face? You don't like it here? Ungrateful bitch" Mary said and threw the metal tray on the ground in front of Alani.

"Eat quickly, so you can shower, you stink" Mary pinched her nostrils with her index finger and thumb.

Alani looked at the sandwich and she could tell that the bread was old and stale, but she didn't care, all she cared about was her child getting the nutrients that it needs. She slowly picked up the sandwich and took a bite, the stale bread was hard to get by but eventually, she swallowed it and finished the food.

"Can I please get something to drink?" Alani coughed

"I don't know, can you?" Mary taunted

Alani side eyed her and sighed

"May, I please have something to drink?" She asked again

"Of course, my special guest" Mary left Alani down in the basement.

As soon as she made her way to the kitchen, her phone began to ring, she quickly answered it to be met with a familiar voice.

"Yes, my dear brother?" She asked while staring at the glass of water

"Where are you? Let Alani go immediately"

"Why should I?"

"This is crazy, Mary! She has nothing to do with the obsession you have with my son"

Mary started to get angry at the word obsession, she wasn't obsessed with Luca like everyone thought she was. She simply just wanted him to settle down with a sensible woman, she wanted him to be attached to her, but all that back fired when she had to convince Lance that Luca was crazy because he was getting a little to open about what she would do to him.

"I am not obsessed! Tell Luca to come alone or he'll never see Alani or that bastard he calls a child!" She screamed into the phone and hung up, she took a deep breath and recollected herself before heading back to Alani

"Here" she roughly said and slid the cup over to Alani

"Thank you" Alani took the cup and took a big gulp, the cold feeling of water was enough to relieve some of the stress that she had, she missed having Luca's arms wrapped around her, she missed his smile, his laugh and his touch. Before she knew it, she was crying.

"What are you crying for now?"

"Mary, please, let me go. I miss my family, I miss outside, just please" Alani pleaded

"Screw your family! If you weren't being a whore and placing yourself into Luca's life, you wouldn't be here now would you?"

"Mary, this is insane"

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