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Alani gently shook the sleeping Luca, but it didn't work. He was sleeping so perfectly to the point she didn't wanna keep shaking, but he needed to wake up.

She tapped his cheek multiple times, earning a groan from him, he stretched in the seat before unbuckling himself and looking at Alani.

"Did I actually fall asleep?" He asked

Alani nodded while trying to hold back a laugh, she told him to pretend to be sleep not actually go to sleep. Either way, he did a good job.

Luca sat up and got of the car, Alani followed behind and locked up the car. She made her way to her front door and unlocked it and went inside her home. She waited for Luca to come inside before closing the door and locking it back.

Luca yawned and fell onto the couch, and spread out, one of his legs were off the couch and the other was hanging off the back of the couch while his arms were above his head.

Alani placed her keys on one of the mini tables on the side of the couch, she watched as Luca drifted off to sleep.

"Luca, what do you want for dinner?" She asked a sleepy Luca

"Spaghetti" he mumbled before falling into a deep slumber. She didn't know what made him so sleepy all of a sudden, but she didn't mind him being asleep. He probably didn't get a lot while at the facility.

She walked into the kitchen opened the cabinets to look for the spaghetti strings, but couldn't find any nor could she find any spaghetti sauce. She thought to herself for a minute, she could of swore she brought some.

She closed the cabinets and walked out of the kitchen, she looked around the room for a sticky note and a pencil. When she found one, she placed the sticky note on the table and began to write a little note for Luca. Just in case he woke up while she was gone.

She put the pencil down, walked over to Luca, kissed his forehead and placed the sticky note over the kiss and gently patting it to make it stay in place.

She grabbed her car keys, walked out of the house, quietly closed the door, locked it and made her way to her car.
She got in her car and started up her car, she backed out of her driveway and left her house.

After, 10 minutes she finally made it to the grocery store. She parked her car, got out, locked her car and found a empty shopping cart. She grabbed it and started to push it into the store.

She looked around the store for the spaghetti sauce and noddles when she spotted a cute matching necklaces. She grabbed the item and looked at it, it was a heart but one half of the heart for one person and the other half for the other person. And together they spelt best friends. She smiled at the metal and put it in the cart and pushed on to a different section of the store.

She found the spaghetti sauce and spaghetti noodles and made sure to grab extras just for Luca who loves to eat as much as his big stomach could hold. She smiled at the thought of him asking for seconds and thirds. While looking at the items, she overheard two middle aged women talking about someone that sounded familiar to her. She pushed her cart a little closer to them to hear a little clearer.

"I heard he harmed someone just for fun" the brunette said

"I hope they put him down like an animal, we don't need him tormenting our children" the black haired lady responded

Alani gasped at her comment and made a scowl, how could someone wish something that bad on someone who wouldn't harm a fly if he didn't have a mental health issue that caused him to have an episode.

Alani's blood was boiling at this point, she didn't like the rude and disgusting remark the woman made, she pushed her cart over to them and got their attention.

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