Chapter 3

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"Willow! Willow!" I heard a voice shout my name.

"Willow!" The voice shouted. It sounded like Skye.

"Willow! Help!" That wasn't Skye! That was Grant!

"Grant?! I'm coming!" I shouted at him. The place was on fire.

"Willow! Help! I'm over here! It's Skye!" Skye shouted. I ran over to her and helped her out of the place. I sprinted back in, only to have to cover my mouth because the smoke was so intense.

"Ward?! Where are you?!" I shouted at him.

"Over here!" He shouted back, "Just follow my voice!" I was following it. I couldn't see anything. Then the building started to shake. The ceiling collapsed on top of Grant and I.

"Willow. Willow. Willow, wake up." May said.

"What happened?" I asked, puzzled.

"You fell asleep." May said, "Were here" We were landing on top of Stark Tower. I could briefly see a lady standing waiting for us, "Willow."

"Yea?" I asked.

"Be careful, and stay safe. Remember the objective. Bring him in. Pepper can come if she wants as well." May said to me.

"I know, May." I said and paused, "Thank You."

I walked out of the Quinn Jet and went to meet the lady standing there.

"Hello. You must be the Agent that Maria sent." The lady said.

"Yes. I'm Willow." I said.

"Hi. I'm Pepper." She said.

"Hi." I said back.

"Come in! Tony's in his lab." Pepper said.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D: Assemble AgainWhere stories live. Discover now