1 - A Normal Day?

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Matthew P.O.V.


"The sun really is beautiful today."


I'm taking my breakfast at a restaurant nearby my office building while taking some good photos of the sun trying its best to hide behind the clouds. It's a sunny day, a good day to be productive.

"Pancakes with strawberries and chocolate syrup are the best combination" I said in a low voice, savoring every bite I take from the pancakes.
After finishing my food, I went out of the restaurant and drove my car to my workplace.
"Good morning Mr. Smith!" . It was May, my secretary and bestfriend. She's been my friend since we were in highschool and college. She's petite, fair and average in height has a bob cut hair with bangs; Most importantly, she's very kind and trustworthy. A breadwinner, she works hard for her family. A perfect friend.
"Good morning May! Let's do our best today! And uhh.. you look extra happy today, got some flowers from your boyfriend?"
"No sir, what made you think of that? It's better to start the day with a smile right? Let's do our best today!" May replied and sneaked a chuckle.
"That's the spirit I want from every employee that I have!" I said while clapping my hands, everyone looked at us, clapped and cheered.
We are really looking forward for today. A big deal that we should close. A big investor that will surely give the company a boost. A deal that I should close in order to make my family proud of me.
"Alright everyone, let's compress and pose for a good photo". They went beside me. We are like 7 in our deparment by the way. I took my phone and we posed for a group picture. It was a cute one, everyone was showing a smile that can brighten up anyone's day.
'Why am I so cute and handsome at the same time?' I said in mind while looking at our photo.
"Okay, everyone, let's go to that meeting and close this deal!!"
We cheered and marched our way to the conference room. I am more confident than ever. I am Matthew Smith, the youngest and only son of David Smith and Melinda Smith . The COO of the Smith Corporation. I, together with my team will get this in the bag.


At my office

"Why can't you close a simple deal? It's so easy, I prepared every file and presentation that you need!" Justine said, my older sister, the CEO of our Smith food corporation. She's a tall girl, fair and slim; has a long black hair and with dark brown eyes. She's strict and dedicated that's why when it comes to business, she's the go to girl of the family and that makes me kinda scared of her.
She's here to scold me for failing to close the deal that I had earlier because of my constant mistakes and unpreparedness.
"I'm so sorry, I th-thought, Mr. Seto is t-too-too.." I nervously defended myself.
"Enough with your stupid reasons, you should be able to close atleast one deal in your life." She cut my explanations and glared at me from head to toe while she's standing in front of me and yeah I remembered, I never got to close a deal my entire life.
"I will do my best next time! I will surely get investors to boost us." I said to calm her down, if her stare could a person, I'm 6 feet below the ground already.
"There would be no next time, I know you're doing your best but, this is not working. It's just a waste of your time, my time and our family's time." She sighed as she's trying her best to calm down.
"and it'll only be a year or less...... try to find where your heart really belongs, it's clear to me and everyone that you're not into this. I talked to mom and dad, you'll be having your temporary leave for now."
I nodded, she looks at me with pity so I lowered my head. And when she was about to say something again, I screamed "Yes, finally! I can go out of this hell and do what I want!" I said while jumping up and down.
"I just really want to atleast help you, mom and dad with our company because you gave me everything that I wanted from the start. The love and care that I need. A perfect family! Thank you sis for knowing me so much! Thank you!" I hugged her and pinched her cheeks.
"This is not the reaction I was expecting but okay, as long as your happy, little brother. You should never think of returning the favor mom and dad gave you. You are our responsibility, we love you so much and we want all the best things for you. Live your life for yourself as of now, Matt." She said to me while smiling and tapping my shoulders.
I felt so assured with her words so I smiled at her and grabbed my things and as I walk my way through the door.
I decided to tell her something that would piss her off. I should get some revenge even in the slightest way, she scolded me a lot earlier.
"You look ugly and old on your outfit today sis. I hope you can ace fashion too just like you ace being the great businesswoman".
I laughed hard at her and closed the door fast after seeing her with a book ready to throw at me. After I orient my employees that I will not attend work on a daily basis. I waved them goodbye, went to my car and drove home.
'What a day.'
I quickly went to my room to take some hot bath. I should really rest for now. I am tired. I tried my best to help the company, to help my parents and sister. Why did I fail? This is all I can do for them.
I am a failure from the start. I don't wanna be a burden forever. They give me anything that I want and need but I want to return something to them.
I went out of the bath and looked at my reflection in the mirror.
"Tomorrow, I wil start over again! I can be better than this, I will be better than this."
I remembered what Justine told me. I should find where my heart really belongs, the things that I really love and enjoy. The life that I really want.

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