5 - The Outcome

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(•#2 - The first ever bouquet that I will send to you, I was hoping to capture your reaction. I hope this makes you smile•)

Sabrina's P.O.V.

A call changed my life. Wright Technologies is now one of the outstanding companies. My dream came true. Top priority, achieved! We managed to build our own high-rise tower and I'm sitting on top.

"You have a delivery." Jamaica my friend and secretary, opened the door after a series of knocks. My thoughts are flying somewhere else.

"Thank you, Jamaica. How long have you been knocking? Sorry, I wasn't able to hear you, I was in deep thoughts." I smiled at her as she walks in front of me with a bouquet of flowers.

"It's okay, I'm sorry for busting in without permission. Anyway, these are for you." She offered me the bouquet with a wide smile on her face. She is so lovely and passionate, I trust her with everything, she's like a sister to me.

I took the flowers from her and gave her a warm smile. She left afterwards. As she close the door, I inspected the flowers, there was a note attached to it, I took it and started reading.

'A smile is a curve that sets everything straight. -Matt'

'In this world, in order to achieve your grandest objective, you must relinquish your greatest wealth and possessions.'

A month ago, a call changed my life and everything that I possess...

...including my surname.


"Good day, Ms. Smith! This is Sabrina. What can I do for you?" full of hopes, I answered Justine Smith's call.

"Sab, I wanna invite you over for dinner tonight, dad wants to see you and talk things out. Are you available?"

"Yes! I will be there, just send me the address and time."

"Sure, I will send the information through text, I'll be seeing you later then."

"Yes! Thank you, thank you." I ended the call and didn't waste time. I stormed my way out of the company and headed home to wash up and get dressed. Maybe this is it? This is my chance, I will bring home the signature, home, tonight!
I decided to wear a plain black silk dress, with a short slit on the side, matched with high heels and few jewelry. I don't wanna flash and stand out on a simple dinner but I wanted to be presentable and elegant in front of the Smiths.

I arrived at the address she gave me, I am 15 minutes early from her given time. They have a two story white house with a wide garden full of beautiful landscapes and a mini fountain at the center aligned with their gigantic main door which is opened. You can see how spacious it is from outside the gates. They seem to love broad spaces.

The place is well-lighted up for tonight. I guess they invited special guests other than me, it would be extravagant to assume that this is all just for my visit.

A guy approached me and asked my reason for visit, when I was about to answer, We heard a voice coming from the 2nd floor terrace of their house. It's Justine Smith.

"Let her in, she's our guest. Escort her to the dining area. Come in, Sabrina, feel at home."

Justine disappeared from sight and the guy opened the gate for me, I wandered my eyes at almost every corner of their garden as we walk towards the main door. I can't help but to be mesmerized.

Upon entering the house, I felt my jaw dropped down, it's spacious, the interior decorations are perfect, the house is dominated by white and shaded by gold and woods. A huge chandelier upon the entrance and two long staircases.

We finally made it to the dining area with open doors even on the sides to give us a good view of another garden landscape. The courses of food are set on top of the long table and Mr. And Mrs. Smith sitting on the chairs already, and as they noticed my presence, my escort excused himself.

"It's been a long time since I last saw you, Sabrina. You've grown into such a fine woman. Come join us, take a sit." Mr. Smith invited me to sit beside Mrs. Smith.

"Good evening Mr. And Mrs. Smith. It's good to see you again, thank you for inviting me to this wonderful night." I lowered my head as a sign of respect before sitting next to Mrs. Smith.

"Let's wait for Justine and Matthew they should be here any minute now." Mr. Smith said as he smiled at me. I nodded in reply. I feel nervous now, so I'm the only one they invited then? My head is spinning and sweat is building up my forehead. What's this dinner all about then? I'm starting to panic internally.

2 minutes after, Justine came followed by her brother, Matthew. They both sat across us. Justine beside Mr. Smith facing Mrs. Smith and Matthew facing me.

"Let's eat!" Mrs. Smith signalled the start of the dinner. Everyone took turns getting their preffered food. "Don't be shy, take anything that you want." Mrs. Smith caressed my shoulders and gave me smile. I nodded and silently start to eat in defeat.

The dinner went silent for some reason. A reason that I have no idea at all but it somehow gives me a bad vibe. As we finished our meal, Mr. Smith cleared his throat and looked at me.

"Sabrina, I will get straight to the point, I reviewed your proposal and put it into consideration, even though it's too risky mostly for our part."

I need to defend my proposal, I need to prove that this is a win-win deal for them too. Whatever it will cost. I will seal this deal. I will sacrifice anything and everything for my dreams and for my family.

Mr. Smith's family remained quiet as he continued to speak.

"Your company, the Wright Technologies has no future and will go deep down any moment now." He sighed and looked at me worriedly. Tears starting to build up from the corners of my eyes, I can't look straight into his eyes. I'm trying my best to hold on to my tears. Did they plan this dinner to easen the pain of being rejected? I lowered my head to hide my face, I can now feel them staring at me.

"But, there is one way we can help you. The last hope of your company, the accomplishment of your goal."

A spark of hope gave me the courage to face them, "What is it, sir? Tell me please. I would do everything."

Mr. Smith gave me the solution to my problem on how to make my dreams come to reality but will leave me empty and broken.

"My child, Matthew likes you. We would like you to marry him. This is our own revision of your proposal."

<End of Flashback>

I threw the flowers and the note to my trash bin and looked at the ring on my left hand.

'What disaster have I gotten myself into?'

Mrs. Sabrina Smith, CEO, Wright Technologies

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