6 - Accountability

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Matthew's P.O.V.

I received a call from Jamaica, Sabrina's secretary and friend.

"Mr. Smith, the flowers you sent today was thrown to garbage by Sabrina." I asked her to send me daily reports about Sabrina after every office days.

"I understand, thank you as always Jamaica. Be careful on your way home."

"Thank you Mr. Smith."

Maybe she doesn't like roses. Should I try with my personal favorite? The Sunflowers! They give a radiant vibe, the most active flower I know. Tomorrow it is! I hang up the call and focused on driving. I'm on my way to pick Sabrina.


"Dad, I'm decided. I wanna take your offer and I want it soonest. I don't wanna waste time." I hurriedly ran downstairs to tell dad my decision. I wanna be with Sabrina, I wanna show her that I love her even though I don't know her enough or at all.

Dad is with mom at the garden outside the dining room waiting for the dinner to be prepared.

"It's about time, you admit that you can't do it on your own." Dad then tilted his head to face the kitchen "Prepare a grand course tonight, we'll have a special guest."

"Will it really work?" I need assurance from him right now.

"Have I ever failed to give you anything that want you want before?"

"No dad, it's just.."

"You'll get what you want, trust me, but be sure this time you will treasure it. This will be your biggest request, she's not anything that money can buy, she's not a thing you can dispose of if you feel bored. She maybe the one who can give you love or the one who can give you the deepest scar you can get. Promise me that, you'll be a responsible man, Matthew. Whatever happens with this decision of yours, be accountable. Go and freshen up."

I nodded twice and gulped an invicible lump in my throat. Should I stop this foolish act before I regret it?

No, I'll stand up with my decision this time. No matter how much she will hurt and despise me.

I will get close to her.
I will show her how much I love her.
I will make her love me.
I will never give up on her.
I will be rewarded with my hardships.

With a strong will of optimism, I made my way back through the dining. They're already there with Sabrina. She's looks so stunning. I can't even face her without blushing.

The dinner went quiet and smooth until Dad proposed the deal to Sabrina. She was speechless and I can feel her sometimes sneaking a view of me.

It took her minutes to answer. No one decided to break the silence.

Sabrina gasped and broke the ice, "Okay, it's a deal then. I will marry your son but I can't promise to love him. I'm currently seeing someone else now, so I hope you understand that this will never be easy for me."

Dad chuckled before answering, "Justine will sign the papers after your wedding next week. Nice doing business with you, Ms. Wright."

Dad left the table followed by mom and Justine. I decided to say my first word.

"S-Sa-Sabrina, I'm, I'm.." I am stuttering so badly. We looked at each other now.

"I hate you." She said in a low voice. I can feel like she's about to cry, she stood and flashed her way out. I can't even move an inch to stand and chase her.

That hurts. I was not ready, that would be her first words directed to me and it's awful.

I should have said 'hi' or 'good evening' when I first saw her so I will get a pleasant first response rather than hate.

She never talked to me once even after we got married. She was so cold even if we're on the same roof. I exactly don't know how to approach her.

A day at a cafe. I'm with May, I decided to ask her for another 'bright idea'. I believed that this curse started when she suggested that I should love.

"Not even a nod or smile?" She raised her voice in suprise.

"Yeah, not even the slightest of interaction, I feel like inanimate."

"Have you ever tried talking to her?"

"Y- yeah? For several times now. I never failed to give her greetings, text updates, I drive her to work and pick her up afterwards."

"Stop pouting you ugly monkey."

"You're not helping at all, May."

"Just take time to understand her, maybe she's still adjusting. You know, with your childish attitude, your voice, your face most of all. Who wants to see that early in the morning? Geesssh."

I raised a brow and angrily stared at her.

"Excuse me? You're starting to be like my sister, Ms. Perfect, Justine. Do you know that you look like a beagle?"

She started to hit my shoulders. I tried my best to tease her more. "Hey, you started this. Don't get pissed."

"Seriously now, Matthew, it will never go easy for her if it'll be like this everyday. Exert effort and court her everyday. Show her that 'love' you're being so proud of that you confidently blackmailed her into marriage."

"Yes, naturally I should do that. You're right. She won't be the first one to make move of course. How silly of me. Courage. I need courage. Thank you as always, May."

"You're welcome. I am always here for you, Matt. I should leave the rest and actions to you, I'm heading back to work."

"Let me drop you there."

She nodded in reply and I drop her to the office.

'I will start with the hardships now.'

<End of Flashback>

I'm in front of her office building now, I waited for several minutes at the usual spot I pick her up. She knows that I'm here every end of the day.

When I saw her popping out the glass door, I unbuckled my seatbelt, then returned my eyes back to her.

Her with her man, Carlo, escorting her inside to another car. I stopped for a moment as I watch their car speed up. I received a text from her after minutes.

"You don't need to fetch me everyday. I'm not a kid anymore. Go home, I'm with Carlo. My true love."

I am hesitating to reply, but this is the first text I received from her, and I should be responsive.

"Okay, take care. Don't stay out too late."

I locked my phone and put it in my pocket, and drove home.

'First words, first text, what kind of painful first times and things would I experience with you?'

(•#3 - A night view of a busy street inside my car. The streets are actually alive and full of colors, people walking with smiles. But, I'm lonely and sad because you left with someone else.)

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