14 - Yearning

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Sabrina's P.O.V.

A month after Carlo's proposal.
A month after I last saw Matthew.

I will represent Wright Technologies today at the CEOs conference at the Smith's building. With all the outstanding CEOs. Life has been smooth sailing or just like I imagine it to be.

I got here early, I'm on my way to meet their CEO, Matthew at his office to pass some papers. I don't want to face him but I have no choice. I approached May first for permission.

"Good morning May, is Matthew already here?"
She looked really sad upon hearing Matt's name, but when she faced me, she smiled.

"Good morning Mrs. Smith, Mr. Smith does not work here anymore. Ms. Justine replaced him as the CEO. She's at her office now."

"Really? Okay, thank you!" What a relief. Now, I can pass the papers without any fear.

I knocked and when I heard her granting me permission, I entered.

"Good morning, Justine."

"Have a seat, Sabrina."

"No, it's okay, I won't take too much of your time, I just wanted to submit this to you. It's about the split."

"Okay." I handed Justine, the papers. "It's about time you step up as the CEO. How's your childish little brother?"

Justine and I are good friends. No matter what happened in the past. This is how we always have been. We know how to separate business with personal matters.

"Matthew's resting." She said without looking at me.

"I see. I'll see you at the conference then."

"Yeah, see you."

I left the room, I don't know why I feel uneasy towards her today. Maybe its just pressure on my side to perform well. I'll be presenting as a solo company now. Thanks to the Smiths.

The meeting started after 30 minutes. Everyone presented well including me.
The innovation of the industry is now on sight.

We congratulated each other after it, Justine really showed off today, she was being mobbed and showered with good words.

I am so proud of her.

"Ms. Smith, you're outstanding above the others!" said a man.

One congratulatory after another. They are almost over. They are leaving one by one, I'm waiting for my turn to congratulate her by myself. I walked towards her and happened to eavesdrop.

"It saddens me, I'm so sorry. Congratulations again, Ms. Smith."

The guy faced me after. "Congratulations too Mrs. Smith."

They guy left after nodding his head. Leaving me and Justine alone.

"Hey Justine, you did so well."

"Thank you Sabrina, you're impressive too. Good job, you'll be on top in no time."

She was about to leave but I held her by her shoulder. "What keeps Matthew busy now? Is he still doing the camera stuffs or something new?"

"Yeah, maybe he's taking photos of the clouds or sunflowers now. Have a nice day, Sabrina."

She left. I suddenly felt meeting up with him, catching up and stuffs. I never got to see him after the night at the beach. I never went back to the condo either.

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