9 - Halfway

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**********(•#7 - Walking at the park, Birds are lively as usual, people smiling and talking, children playing, I'm here for an hour now, waiting for you)**********

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(•#7 - Walking at the park, Birds are lively as usual, people smiling and talking, children playing, I'm here for an hour now, waiting for you)

You told me to wait until you come for me at a park. I thought this will be the day that you'll finally start to open up to me. I waited with hope and joy, I didn't let anything drag me and my mood down. It rained hard and I got soaked so badly.
I waited for hours until night but you didn't came. I got sick for days because of it and you didn't even bother to prepare me medicine or food, or even ask me how I am? Instead you gave me a pitiful look and asked me why don't I just die?

You should show concern to people even if you're mad at them, they will do the same to you if you're in their shoes.


**********(•#8 - I got beaten up so badly, no one will take care of me but myself so please stop that meaningless harassment joke

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(•#8 - I got beaten up so badly, no one will take care of me but myself so please stop that meaningless harassment joke.)

I was jogging when I saw you walking the streets downtown at night, when I approached you, you started to scream "help, this guy is harassing me." Two guys came, beated me hard then took me to the police. I had to call my lawyer and explain everything to them from scratch! That was a bad joke okay?

Don't walk at night when you're alone, it's not safe.



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