11 - Last Stand

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Matthew's P.O.V.

I'm on way to talk to Sabrina.
Commencing the operation: 'white flag'.
I surrendered, I will let her go but I want to spend atleast 2 days with her.

With deep breath, I opened up the door, hoping that I won't see her with Carlo.

I walked to the living room and saw her in the couch sipping a cup of coffee.

"Good morning, Sabrina. I'm sorry I wasn't able to go home yesterday, something came up at the office."

"It's okay."

"Can I please talk to you?"

"Is this another invitation? Business? Worthless things? Make it quick."

I sat on a couch facing her. She looked at me as she placed the coffee on the table.

"About the divorce. I will go on with it."

She grinned and shook her head. "It's about time, did you hit your head somewhere? I will thank that thing, finally you woke up from your delusions."

I smiled weakly and chuckled. "Yeah but, I have my last request."

"What is it?"

"Can you spend 2 days with me? This will be the last, I promise you. I won't kidnap you, I won't hurt or harass you. Just you and me."

I looked at her with high hopes, she'll agree. I know that she will.


And, I told her to pack her stuffs, she did so I started packing mine as well while creating reservations to various places I wanted to take her.

My last stand.

After an hour of packing, we got into the car and started, Day 1.

The drive was silent until I decided to break the ice.

"Thank you for agreeing, I won't bother you after the two days, I promise."

"Okay." She said in a weak tone.

"Just let me love you for two days."


"So, Sabrina, what should I call you for the last two days? I always wanted an endearment for you. What do you want?"
I looked at her but she seems like she's worried and uninterested.

"Sabrina, how about, Honeypie? Boo?
Boo bear? Honey? Sweetheart? Baby? Babe? Or all of them? Honeypie boo boo bear honey sweetheart baby babe? Hpbbbhsbb?"


I was so happy to see her laugh for the first time, but when she noticed that I was looking she put on her grumpy face back.

I set up a camera on recording in front of us, who knows if she laughs again, I must have a record of it.

"What makes you like photos and videos that much?" Sabrina asked.

"Oh, it's a, preparation."


"You won't get it. Just consider it as a remembrance, so we can remember the things we've done or something like that."

"You're a sentimental person afterall."

"I guess so."

I turned right to a fastfood drive thru.

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