4 - Decisions

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Matthew P.O.V.

'Should I ask mom and dad for help?'

What if I go and try first? I just wanna be friends I guess, everything's new for me but maybe Justine is wrong. What if I just want a new friend?
Afternoon at my room, I am so messed up, I wasn't able to sleep well thinking about what dad offered me. It just added confusion on my part.
'Damn, this Sabrina. How could you have this effect on me? I don't even know you.'
Today, I decided to go to the mall for some walk or movies. Being alone is good sometimes, it gives you more time to think and appreciate what you have.
My feet led me to a small café. I ordered coffee and sit back to relax. I've been walking for an hour now, my feet hurts.
"What a photo perfect sight." I took a photo of my coffee then started sipping it. It smells so good and the taste is my blend. I'll make sure to go back here with May and the others.
It was a peaceful place, there are noises but it's on minimal, normal people talks, coffee makers, blenders, ice cubes, shakers.
"The deal was not closed but I guess I could ask for another chance to prove that we can be a good factor to their growth." I heard a female's voice from the table behind me.
"I badly needed Justine Smith's approval. I hate this. I need to do something."

As I heard my sister's name, I turned my head to see who's the girl talking. It's Sabrina! She's with a guy maybe at my age, a little bit taller than me, fair and fit. Maybe this is her lover. I decided to focus and eavesdrop with all my might.
"Don't worry love, maybe it's just not your day yesterday. You can try again and this time get her approval. You're a genius, you can do it." The guy said.
Sabrina gasped and placed both of her hands on top of the table.
"You're right, I can do this. I just need to exert more effort into this. I need to be more professional." She paused for a moment then continued speaking, "Justine is really strict and careful with every details. I should have just proposed this deal before the head of their company changed. Maybe I could have convinced her younger brother to invest. He seems carefree and soft-hearted, selfless guy."
'Yes, Sabrina. That surely is me, I will 10000% accept your deal'
I can't hide my smile as I heard those words coming out of her. I grabbed my phone and turned on the front camera not to take a selfie but to capture a stolen photo of her.
She is so cute.
They kept on talking about random stuffs. Something got my ear and made my lips and eyes go blank.
"We should continue planning for our marriage after you close that deal." The guy suggested to Sabrina.
"You should propose to me first, where's the romance all of a sudden?" Sabrina jokingly replied.
"Okay, if you say so boss. It'll be soonest then, better prepare because it'll be so romantic."
Their conversation ended and they have finished their meal, they went outside while holding each other's hands.
I admired the photo that I took for a long time before leaving the cafe and bought my ticket for a movie at the cinema.

(●#1 - I heard you saying good assumptions about me, you are not wrong at all. I took this photo of you while you were eating with your boyfriend, this was the first time I saw you for a longer period of time.)



Sabrina P.O.V.
After I had my lunch date with Carlo my boyfriend, I went back to work. I kept on revising my proposal for the Smiths for hours now. It just lacks assurance but I can make sure that'll it be persuasive and won't be a failure next time.
I'm Sabrina Wright of the Wright Technologies. I'm working as a department manager of our humble company. I'm in my 20s, solo child, daughter of the most supportive parents ever.
'I'm doing my best to do my job. My goal is to make sure that our company will rise on top, head to head with other companies such as the Woods, Smiths, Evans and etc.'
And that will be done in a flash if the Smiths consider my offer to lend us a hand. I've been Justine's friend, their officer-in-charge but I still got badly rejected. We're gonna fall down to the bottom if I don't get her signature soon and that's the last thing in the world that I would like to happen.
'Things really don't go easy. They won't appear in a snap. You need to sacrifice to achieve greatness.'
As I was about to continue being dramatic, I received a phone call from Justine Smith, I quickly stood from my sit and answered the call, maybe she changed her mind and will accept my offer now. I'm sure they're interested with our new releases, they won't regret it. Our product is quality.
"Good day, Ms. Smith! This is Sabrina. What can I do for you?"

Matthew's P.O.V.

'They're considering marriage already. It's over and I am so hopeless.'

After finishing the movie that I didn't understand at all because my mind was somewhere far. I went home and cleaned myself as I get ready for our dinner.
She sure is settled with her goals while I am so lost. She has the answer to the most important question in her life while I am confused.
Her 'Yes' and 'I do' are set in stone while I still can't figure out even the first letter of my answer to my question 'what do to with life?'
'Do you want help, son? I could do something between you and Sabrina.'
I suddenly remembered my dad's offer. My last hope and stand. I am losing my mind badly. I would be the greatest jerk if I accept that offer.
A knock snapped me from my deep thoughts. Justine opened my door, "Dinner's ready, let's go head down now." and left after.
'Sabrina, I have my answer now as well.
We both have our decisions now.'

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