2 - Starting Over

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Matthew P.O.V.
The next day, I woke up as I was irritated by the sunlight doing its best to pass through the gaps of my curtains. It's another sunny day, another day to be productive. Oh wait, I am jobless now. What do I really wanna do with my life? Besides collecting action figures, playing the guitar, photography and videography are the only things I knew.
"I will head out today and go to the park for some walk." I jumped off the bed, took a bath and headed out to the park.
At the park.
"Sun, my bestfriend, I will soon lay and stare at you forever." I said while facing the sun while my eyes closed and with open arms.
I took my phone out and started to take pictures of the clouds, flowers and everything I find eye-catching.
"I really feel empty and lost, I don't know what to do, what should I start doing now?" I took a deep breath, I am so disappointed with myself. I continued my stroll around the park while thinking of how should I start over with my life. Still with no thoughts in mind, I returned to my car and drove to the office.
At the office, May quickly stood up when she saw me walking through my path to the office.
"Mr. Smith!" She walked in front of me and said politely.
"Oh, come on May! Call me, Matt. I'm not your boss anymore, I am your best friend."
I patted her head multiple times until she removed my hand from her head.
"Drop the formalities, I never got used to it too, it makes me feel awkward. You always call me 'spoiled brainless monkey' when we were in school. " I began to laugh that why she started to laugh as well and she accidentally(?) hit me by the shoulder.
I stared at her with a blank face, "Some things really don't change." and scratched my head.
"I'm really sorry Matt the, the- spoiled brainless m-mo-monkey of the Smith family." She's doing her best to hold her laughter which she eventually failed on.
"You're still a rude person, you should punch your one way ticket to hell and book an early reservation for a hotel or something. Satan must be so excited to see his daughter." Now it's my turn to burst my laughter as she coldly stared at me.
"You're still the silly monkey I know afterall, you never let yourself lose in an argument and... I will book a room for two, you are surely a VIP guest down there. Satan has a special place for you bestfriend!" May started laughing again as we enjoy more jokes.
After minutes of laughing, throwing jokes, taking pictures, and recalling our past memories at school. I decided to tell her what Justine told me. I was hoping for a good advice, since she's reliable at everything.
"You've been my friend for so long but, you never showed any interest for other stuffs except the things that you do now. You never planned on anything since you get what you always want you monkey." May worriedly said to me.
I looked at her straight in the eyes, "I really don't know what to do with this short life. You're right, I was a fool. I had all the time in the world to think." I shrinked myself into my chair and laid my head down while holding it with my hands.
"Don't you dare cry, it's never too late for something. You're strong! You've been through a lot. Don't worry." She tried her best to comfort me as she pats my back.
"Maybe you need someone to pour your efforts and feelings to. Someone that will make you feel alive and new. You know what I mean." She slightly slipped some fake chuckles.
"A lovelife?!" I am so shocked after hearing it. I have never loved anyone besides my family, friends and my hobbies and this thing never crossed my mind.
"Yeah, I mean, we're not getting younger. We need someone to be with as we continue with our life. We can't do all things alone. No man is an island afterall." She looked at me then averted her gaze all the way through the window.
"You're really weird May." I laughed and and shook my head.
When I continued to laugh at her silly joke, my eyes landed through the glass window which separates my office from the others. People started to go back in their cubicles, lunch is over.
I saw Justine being followed by some people maybe investors as she speaks through the crowd. She must be introducing herself as the officer in charge for now as I am on temporary leave.
"You're spacing Matt" she started laughing at me, "Are you considering my suggestions now?" She raised her eyebrows twice.
"Don't bother because I'm not bothering, never even crossed through my thoughts and goals and you know why." I replied and attacked with an insult.
"Don't even try to! You don't have eyebrows! You no brow barbie" I teased her with one of the things she hates to hear the most. Her, having no eyebrows and laughed.
She didn't waste her time and punched my shoulders multiple times.
"You! You spoiled brainless monkey brat. How dare you call me that?!" She angrily said.
"Justine said to me that I should be honest with my life, I'm starting over can't you see? I am being honest." I am covering myself from her assault while laughing. She didn't stop until she felt tired.
"Why did I even bother to comfort you? Disregard my suggestions, you would never ever have a girl that will love you because of your attitude." May gave me a death glare.
I quickly grabbed my phone and took a photo of her face. "Just look at you and see what I mean, you really don't have eyebrows. Fake, phony!"
As she was about to stand and take my phone, someone knocked at the door and when it opened, Justine came in.
"We're in office, could you control your mouth? We can hear your laughter as we talk outside. Lunch is done, go to work May, don't let Matt infect you with his virus and you Matt, drink you meds." Justine said in a strong voice. May quickly lowered her head and apologized to Justine. She bid her good bye and left after.
"We'll be discussing the future of your company, I'm hoping you are organizing your future as well." She said, crossed arms.
I nodded and stood up to walk and go outside as she started to face the other way. And when I was about to tap her. A girl came to her side, she looked at me then to Justine.
"Are we starting?" The girl asked Justine in a soft angelic voice and Justine nodded in reply.
The most beautiful girl I have seen in my life. The definition of perfect all in one body.
I looked at them as they walked their way to the conference room.
'Yes, the book opened and we are now starting with the first chapter'.

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