Chapter 32

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"Kunal! Look! The Himalayas!" Vidhushi almost screamed in joy when she saw the first glimpse of the majestic mountains.

"Stop shouting in my ear, Vidhu." Kunal mumbled as he tried to get some sleep. But, his wife had no such intention as she kept on exclaiming over every new thing she saw.

"Mumma is definitely going to love this." She ignored Kunal's comment and took her phone out to record the scenery. She had been doing the same thing in order to send them to her mother later.

After drinking the beauty of the mountains to her fill, she looked at Kunal and frowned.

"If you were going to be like this, then why did you come?" She scolded him as she had been noticing his lazy behaviour since the moment they started their tour.

Kunal opened one eye and looked at her. Seeing her frown, he sat properly.

"What did I do now?" He asked while yawning.

"Why are you sleeping?" She asked.

"Unlike you, I had to be awake till 2 am in order to book the tickets to the various places and the hotels." He answered with a chuckle.

"Are you serious? Why didn't you plan it ahead?" She asked in concern.

"I did. But, the agent informed me at about 10 at night that there had been a landslide. And that mountain had to break just before the hotel that I had booked for us. So, all the plans changed. And now, we have a new itinerary." He mumbled and closed his eyes again.

"Wow! A landslide changed all your plans! So, where are we going first?" She asked.

"The hotel." He replied sarcastically. When she didn't reply, he understood that she must be glaring at him.

He smiled to himself before continuing.

"Zuluk." He answered.

"I can't believe that the agent just charged you ten thousand for renting this car for 1 day!" Vidhushi complained as she looked at the receipt.

"Don't worry about the expenses, Vidhu." He answered as he took the receipt from her grip.

He rubbed his eyes as he drove to the destination.

"Here." Vidhushi said as she passed him a packet of chips.

In response, he opened his mouth. She silently fed him.

They remained silent for a while as she continued staring and recording the passing scenery of aligned mountains. Some hills were still covered with snow and shone in the sunlight.

Vidhushi looked ahead to relax a little when her eyes widened.

"Kunal, brakes!" She shouted as she realised that he wasn't slowing down when a car was peacefully parked on the road.

Kunal jerked up from his sudden sleep state and applied the brakes. However, he was a little late and he hit the car. The victim car gained momentum and itself hit the safety barrier that fenced the entire mountain roads.

"Are you okay?" Kunal asked her in panic.

Vidhushi's heartbeat increased as she thanked all the lords in heaven that the car they hit did not fall off the mountain.

"I...I am fine! G...go and ask him if he is okay!" She stuttered in panic herself.

Kunal relaxed and unlocked the seatbelt to come out. Meanwhile, Vidhushi saw that the person whose car they hit also came out of his car.

When the two men recognized each other, both were shocked. However, the one who was surprised beyond words was Vidhushi.

Why in heaven was the world so small! Why out of millions of men in the world, Kunal had to hit Advith only!

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