Twenty Two: Feral

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  "Why are you down here?" Ian growled, not breaking out of his posture for a second. His breath came out measured, slow, deadly. Dani could see from his body language that Ian considered this man a serious threat.

  "What, you think you're the only one who can step down here once in a while?" The man questioned, spreading his arms. They fell back to his sides.

  "I didn't fall, you pushed me." Came Ian's low remark.

  "And a wonderful thing I did for you, wasn't it? You came here, met your Source, had dinner with humans, went to a party, though you really don't seem like the type, and if my information is correct, you kissed the girl behind you." The word 'kissed' came out in a tone of mockery. The man laughed out loud and clapped once. The sound echoed down the street which was unsurprisingly empty.

  Why was the damn street always this scanty?

    "That alone is a punishment to last for a thousand Lights; you kissing a human, and not just any human, your Source..." He began to clap again, "Bravo, Jerani, Bravo."

  Somewhere down the street, a dog began to bark frantically. It seemed to sense danger. Another dog joined the lunatic barking. Ian inspected the street, turned around, and put an arm over Dani. "Go home, lock the doors." He whispered to her.

  "Oh come on, is that any way to treat your cosmic brother?"
  Ian kept his eyes trained on hers, seriousness glinting in them. "Go. Now!"

  Dani nodded and started walking backward but then a fierce growl erupted behind her. She saw Ian's eyes widen, fear fogging them. Dani glanced over her shoulder and felt a poke of fear returning to her body.

  Behind her were two coyotes, looking hungry and vicious. They were frothing at their mouth, their eyes wide with attention as they sized up Dani.

  Dani suddenly understood why the dogs were barking feverishly. She retook her steps to Ian's comforting back.

  "Ian, there are coyotes here..."

  "Oh, I'm sorry." Said Anon who didn't sound sorry in the least. "I forgot to introduce my new friends. I haven't named them yet so let's just call them their natural names."

  "Ian, how is this possible?" Dani whispered, not daring to take her eyes off the wild beasts.

  "Starlight." He hissed, still glaring warily at Anon while trying to keep the animals at the corner of his eyes. "It doesn't just work on humans alone."

  "Don't be afraid, I just want us to have a quick chat." He glanced at Dani over Ian's shoulder. "Where do you live, Ms Chamberman?"

  "Don't answer him." Ian instructed and grabbed her wrist. "I'll get you out of here, just give me a second."

  "You see, Jerani," Anon said, stepping forward and losing a bit of his smile, "I'm really trying to be nice here but you're not making it easy for me. Do you intend for me to use another means of persuasion?" Once the last word was out, the coyote to the left behind Dani let out a snap.

  Dani felt a tiny poke of fear again.

  "You're wanted above, Anon. Do you really think you should be causing more trouble down here?" Ian said, jaws clenching.

  "No, which is why you don't want to anger me, Ian. You may be immortal but I believe she—" he winked at Dani, "—is not. So why don't you be a good little boy and take me somewhere not do public, eh?"

  Dani inched closer to Ian. "Let just do as he says. At least until we have a plan."

  Ian didn't react, just simply kept his eyes on Anon. From his facial expression, he was thinking immensely hard about what to do. Finally, he relaxed his shoulder and nodded. "Before we do, can you call off these feral beasts?"

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