Chapter 31

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Penny wakes with Avi's nose pressed firmly between her shoulder blades. Blinking her eyes open slowly against the morning sun, she stretches her limbs and inhales deeply. Behind her, Avi stirs, pulling her closer to his chest, his hand snaking under her shirt, his palm pressed hotly against her abdomen. Her muscles flutter at his touch and looking over her shoulder, Penny finds his mop of hair, his face hidden against her shirt.

Biting her lip as she smirks to herself, she rolls over, chuckling softly at Avi's groan of protest. His hand follows the curve of her hip as she rolls, pressing against the small of her back, pushing her hips into his. "Why'd'you always move when I'm comfortable," he mumbles into her shoulder, his voice deep and thick from sleep.

Penny hums wordlessly as she slips her knee in between his, barely suppressing her shudder as his hairy leg runs along her smooth one. "Because I want to look at you," she replies softly, brushing the hair from his face, tucking a strand behind his ear. "You're always so soft, warm and relaxed in the mornings."

Avi opens his eyes then, his green gaze unfocused as he blinks the sleep from his eyes. Penny smiles as his eyes meet hers, relishing in the soft sigh that falls from his lips as she smoothes her fingers along his eyebrow and down along the curve of his jaw. Running her thumb along his chin, Penny pauses and brushes against the small freckle just above the hair there and to the right of the patch under his lips. Another freckle lies just above that one, touching the outer curve of his bottom lip and Penny brushes against that one, too, letting out a breathy laugh as Avi presses his lips to her thumb, his gaze still on hers.

"You've got freckles there," Penny whispers, letting her hand fall from his face and rest against his chest, feeling the faint thump of his heart against her palm.

Avi slides his hand from her back, briefly caressing the crest of Penny's hip, his fingers teasing along the bottom edge of her ribcage before pulling away completely from her skin. His gaze remains locked on hers, the intensity of it the most intimate experience Penny's had and she gasps as Avi's fingers make contact with her skin again, his fingertips trailing along her collarbone.

"You've got freckles here," he says lowly, his thumb dipping briefly where her collarbones meet at the base of her throat. "And here." His thumb comes up to stroke the curve of her jaw, caressing over the two freckles there. "And here." Avi's voice progressively drops lower and by the time he's brushed his fingers across the apples of her cheeks, Penny's skin is on fire, every nerve cell standing at attention, craving his touch.

Swallowing hard, Penny tears her gaze from his, resting her forehead against his shoulder. "You're awfully touchy lately."

She can feel his shrug. "I've missed touching you," he answers, wrapping his arm back across her shoulders, sinking his fingertips into her hair, stroking lightly at the nape of her neck.

They remain pressed close, Penny inhaling his warm scent as he relaxes against her and she nuzzles her nose against his collarbone, relishing in the soft hum that vibrates against her skin. Soaking in the comfort of each other's embrace, they both drift back into sleep.


Waking the second time, Penny finds herself alone, Avi's side of the bed empty, but still faintly warm from the heat of his body. Sitting up, she runs a hand through her hair and peers at herself through the mirror above the dresser, surprised but pleased by how refreshed she looks, the previous worry lines on her face smooth.

Sliding out of bed, Penny walks into the living room, the curtains to the sliding glass doors letting in the morning light, a large sunbeam crossing over her toes, but she frowns when she finds the space empty. Checking the bathroom, she finds it equally as vacant, but she knows Avi can't have been gone long, the heavy weight of steam and the scent of his cologne hanging in the air. As Penny closes the bathroom door, she hears the soft strum of guitar strings coming from his music room.

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