Chapter 13

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Three weeks at home and Avi and Penny have fallen into a comfortable routine. Most days, Penny wakes up after Avi and enters the kitchen to find him sitting at the counter eating breakfast, a waiting waffle sandwich next to him. He always smiles and waves, his hair mussed from sleep and as Penny slips in to sit beside him, he slides the plate closer.

They're usually quiet, neither of them choosing to talk until they've finished eating. Penny quickly learns Avi's not much of a talker in the mornings.  

Avi always showers first before offering to help Penny wash her hair. He's gotten it down to a science—towel waiting in the bedroom; water warm as she steps into the tub; quick shampoo, conditioner and rinse; and another towel waiting for her to change into. And she notices he doesn't blush any more.

Well, blush as much, anyway.

For the first week, she accompanies Avi to the group's rehearsals. After deciding to postpone the tour, Penny feels uncomfortable attending the next rehearsal despite several reassurances that nobody was upset about the decision. Even Avi, who initially reacted poorly, agrees that the decision was a smart one.

"Seriously, Penny. We've got supportive fans who understand and if anything, this just gives us more time to perfect what we were already going to do," Avi says sitting down next to her on the couch. "Plus, Mitch needs all the time he can get to perfect his dance moves," he adds with a smirk.

Mitch puts his hand on his chest and scoffs. "Oh, please, Avriel, you're just jealous."

Penny continues to join Avi for the next few rehearsals before convincing him to let her stay home. It takes him almost twice as long to actually leave the house, feeling the need to walk Penny through every cabinet and drawer in the kitchen, show her how to work the remote and ensure that his number was readily accessible in her phone.

"Avi," she says soothingly, pulling the phone back from his grasp, "I'll be okay."

Avi looks at her worryingly with a frown before sighing and nodding. "Okay. But I'm calling to check in."

And he did. Four times.

By the fourth phone call, Penny finds it amusing to tease him. "Avi, there was this weird guy who came to the door, so naturally I let him in and then he bit me and now I'm craving human flesh, is that bad?"

"You're not funny, Penny," he sighs, although Penny thinks she can hear the traces of a smile in his voice. "But you're doing okay, you're—"

"Avi," Penny hears Mitch interrupt in the background, "You've called her four times. Stop being a mother hen. She's a big girl who can feed and dress herself and I'm pretty sure she knows how to use the toilet." Avi mutters a humiliated, "oh my, God" into her ear and Penny tries to stifle her laugh against her hand. "Also, hi Link!"

"Hi, Mitch!" Penny calls.

Avi sighs and begrudgingly repeats her message. "You happy now?"

"You need to lighten up, Avi. Laugh, it's funny," she says before falling silent for a moment. "I'm doing okay. I've fed myself, although I used the last of the bacon. And before you ask, no I didn't use the stove, that's what microwaves are for. I dressed myself, washed myself, and then messed around in the photography room. But most importantly, I'm not actually a vampire."

At that, Avi laughs. "Okay, okay, but if I come home and you sink your teeth into my neck, I'm gonna be upset."

After that, he stops calling four times and restrains himself to one phone call a day while he's gone. Penny finds she actually misses the excessive amount of phone calls, although she'll never admit it.

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