Chapter 12

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When Penny wakes the next morning, Avi is already up and eating breakfast at the counter. He nods while he finishes chewing and gestures towards the plate next to him—a Nutella waffle sandwich. Penny smiles in thanks and joins him, eating in silence.

She goes to stand and clear her dishes but Avi rests a light hand on her knee. The warmth of his skin burns into hers and she barely represses her shiver at the contact. "Don't worry; I've got it," he says stacking his cereal bowl on top of her plate.

Penny watches as he sets the dishes in the sink and turns towards her, resting his back against the counter. Avi scratches at his head, running his fingers through his hair before saying, "I'm sure you heard yesterday, but I have another rehearsal today. The guys liked having you there and, well, I did, too."

She smiles at his rambling but lets him continue.

"Do you want to come again?" he finally asks, his eyes on hers.

"Can I bring my camera?" Avi gives her a strange look and Penny glances down at her hands and clarifies, "I just want to feel it in my hands again. Photography is familiar to me."

Avi smiles and replies, "Okay. Just don't be surprised when Scott and Mitch try to ruin your shots."


While Avi showers, Penny digs through the dresser and closet for something to wear. Finding a suitable outfit, she carefully folds the clothes and waits for him to finish so he can help her wash her hair.

A few minutes later, Avi cracks the bathroom door as invitation to enter and Penny approaches cautiously, not wanting to catch him in a compromising situation.

As if you'd complain, her brain retorts unhelpfully.

Peering around the corner of the doorframe, she finds him fully clothed and leaning over the sink, carefully trimming his beard through the small patch in the mirror he'd wiped clear of condensation. Pausing, he looks over at her and says, "I'm nearly finished. You can grab a towel and prepare yourself if you'd like."

Nodding, Penny grabs a towel and wraps herself like she did her first night home. Once she hears the buzzing of the razor stop, she steps back into the bathroom and tries to ignore the weight of Avi's eyes on her skin as she swings her legs into the tub and sits.

"Ready?" he asks, reaching for the shower head and turning on the tap.

"Yes," Penny replies, hugging the towel tighter to her chest.

Avi washes her hair the same way he did before, his fingers still feeling like magic against her scalp. Penny closes her eyes as he works, letting out a shiver when he applies the conditioner. After the final rinse, he wordlessly pulls the curtain and hands her a fresh towel and waits until she draws the curtain back before helping her out.

Standing, Penny takes his hand, stepping out of the tub easier than her first time. Her thigh still stings, but she hides it behind a smile as she steadies herself. Avi slowly lets his hand fall from hers and then reaches behind him to grab a smaller towel. "Here," he starts, gently turning her so her back is facing him. "Let me—your hair."

Penny bites her lip as he rubs the extra water out of her hair, the graze of his knuckles against her back causing goose bumps to rise in their wake. Once he's finished, Penny look at him over her shoulder, Penny says, "Thanks, Avi."

"You're welcome," he replies with a shy smile as he hangs the towel over the shower rod.

As Penny finishes getting ready she wonders at what point this gets less awkward.

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