Chapter 35

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(Heed the M rating on this story. From these chapters on out, it comes into play. If you can't handle sexual situations, turn back now.)

Avi wakes her with a soft kiss to her cheek, whispering his intent to shower and meet her downstairs with the rest of the group. Penny groans at his interruption to her sleep, turning her face into her pillow. She hears Avi's low chuckle as he pushes himself from the bed, the mattress moving at the loss of his weight. Reaching out, Penny grabs his arm, pulling him back down, burying her face into the crook of his neck.

He breathes deeply into Penny's hair, wrapping his arm across her waist. "I have to get ready, Penny," he says softly, sighing as she runs her fingers through his hair. "I don't want to be a smelly, smelly man."

Penny hums against his skin, pressing a kiss to the underside of his jaw. "Hmm, I think you smell just fine."

Avi laughs and reluctantly pulls himself away, pressing one last kiss to her forehead. As he turns to leave, he gives her one last glance, a piercing look Penny feels worm its way into the center of her chest. He licks his lips and opens his mouth as if to say something, but instead gives Penny a soft smile and walks into the bathroom.

Penny flops onto her back as she hears the water running in the shower and runs a hand through her hair. "I love you, too," she whispers.


Knocking on the door, Penny rocks back and forth on her heels, a slight sense of trepidation sliding down her spine, but when the door swings open and Kirstie smiles up at her, that fear quickly dissipates. Kirstie waves her in, walking ahead of Penny and reaching for the TV remote sitting on the bed, muting the sound. Penny drags her suitcase and bags in with her, resting them along the wall where Kirstie has already begun stacking her belongings.

Kirstie turns towards Penny, pulling her into a hug. "Penny, I'm so glad you came by," Kirstie says warmly, sitting on the bed and motioning for Penny to join her. "I didn't get to talk to you much yesterday and I've been thinking about you."

"I know," Penny replies, sitting next to her, pulling one of her legs underneath her. "You said we're close and...I want to remember you more and confide in someone other than Avi for some things."

Kirstie's smile drops. "Are things still not okay between you two?"

"What? Oh, oh!" Penny exclaims, realizing the error in her phrasing. "Oh, no, no, we're..." She trails off, biting her lip to keep from grinning and ducks her head. "We're doing really well, actually. Avi's just getting ready still and told me to go ahead without him."

"Oh, Penny, I'm so glad everything's better," Kirstie says, resting a light hand against Penny's knee. "I have never seen him as devastated as he was after the accident, but that following morning after-after Kevin's birthday-he caved into himself." Kirstie pauses, seeming to judge Penny's reaction before continuing. "And he wouldn't say anything about it, either."

Penny drops her gaze to her hands sitting in her lap. Slowly, she licks her lips, swallowing down the memory of that night, goose bumps breaking out on her skin at the remembrance of the chilled rain against her skin. "I assume you know the events surrounding the crash?" At Kirstie's small nod, Penny sighs and runs a hand through her bangs. "I never knew. That's-that's why we had problems."

Kirstie's eyes widen in surprise, her hand flying up to her chest, her fingers playing with the small necklace there. "He never told you?" she asks, her tone incredulous, a flicker of disbelief marring her features.

Penny shakes her head. "No. But honestly, Kirstie, we're past it. At least we're getting there," she reassures her with a smile. "And I don't know if he wants everyone knowing, either. About the not telling me, I mean." Penny frowns, doubt creeping into her mind and a prickling sense of discomfort resting along her skin.

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