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After a long day of travel, Penny is eager to fall into bed and sleep off her jet lag, but the anticipation of seeing Avi after a month apart rushes through her and provides enough energy to keep her going. Avi had gone off with Pentatonix to promote the new album and rehearse for the European tour. Not wanting to distract him from his work, Penny opted to stay behind in LA until the first show. The time and distance apart was tougher than she thought it would be.

Her phone vibrates in her hand and Penny glances down, finding a text from Esther. Dressing room empty. Avi distracted. What's your ETA?

Swiping her thumb across the screen, Penny quickly types in her reply. At the venue now. Two minutes at most.

Sneaking down the back halls of the venue, Penny keeps her mind alert, peering around corners as she makes her way into the boys' dressing room. She opens the door, finding the room empty and she breathes a sigh of relief. Eyeing up the couch, she sits down and leans her head back, her eyes closing of their own accord.

At the sound of the door opening and the soft murmur of voices, Penny sits up, alert, a shiver slipping down her spine. She wipes her palms against her thighs, holding her breath as the door finally opens.

Avi enters first, not looking at her as he argues with Esther. "Est-I know I didn't leave my ears in here I-" He stops talking and stares ahead of him, his eyes catching hers.

Penny offers him a soft smile at his stunned expression and stands, holding her hands out at her sides and shrugs innocently. "I wanted to surprise you," she explains, briefly catching Esther's gaze and knowing smile as she closes the door behind her.

"Wha-" Avi turns and stares at the closed door before turning back towards Penny. "She knew about this?" he asks, thrusting his thumb towards the door.

"You can be upset with her later. Come over here and hug me."

In two long strides, Avi reaches her and loops his arms around her shoulders, pulling her into a warm embrace. Penny sighs at his touch, tears threatening to form in her eyes as Avi presses a kiss to her temple, his fingers running through her hair. "I have missed you so much," he whispers into her neck, his breath warm against her skin.

"I've missed you, too," she replies into the leather of his jacket, the spice of his cologne wafting up from the fabric. Leaning back, she kisses him softly, gently tracing the curve of his jaw. Avi smiles into her mouth and sighs against her lips. "Ask me again."

Avi gazes down at her, his brows knit in confusion. "Ask you again? Ask you wh-oh!" He tugs at the ends of his jacket, almost frantically patting at the pockets and grumbling to himself, "Why do we always do this when I don't have the ring?"

With shaky fingers, Penny removes the worn bread tie from around her finger and places it in his palm. "You can give me an actual ring later. Use this again."

He holds the makeshift ring in his fingers and reaches for Penny's left hand. "Penny, will you mar-"

"Yes. A thousand times yes."

Avi hastily slips the ring back onto her finger before taking her face within his hands and kissing her deeply. She laughs against his lips as he pulls back and rests his forehead against hers. "My God, I love you," he whispers.

A soft knock sounds at the door and they both turn as Esther pokes her head around the corner. "I hate to ruin your reunion, but Avi I've pushed show time back about as far as I can," she states apologetically. Coming further into the room, she hands him his in-ears and Avi reluctantly pulls away from Penny. "Two more minutes."

Avi watches as Esther closes the door before turning back towards Penny with a smile. "Are you ready?"

Penny knows his question isn't just about tonight and her readiness for another chaotic venture into tour life. The question holds the promise of the future, the one they'll build together, leaping over whatever obstacles may challenge them, but always finding each other through it all. The symbolic weight of the band around her finger presses against her skin and releasing a deep breath, she nods.

"I'm ready."

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